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  1. Rabidreject


    So that’s my pointless story of how I am attacking these molecular puzzles! Seriously though, the amount you can learn in something like a year is CRAZY. It’s been a year since I first read some of Strike’s book and I don’t even know its name! It is MOST LIKELY called Practical MDMA...
  2. Rabidreject


    I have no idea about that one - I’d suggest chatting to your good old friend mr GPT! I know ammonium acetate works well and is easy to obtain (at least where I am - I accidentally bought a bloomin’ KILO of the stuff I doubt I’ll ever use all of!!) Honestly, I gave up on this thread, once I’d...
  3. Rabidreject

    Re-using solvents…..

    I guess so, I like the automation of a rotary evaporator - also, it’s just as much for crashing things out at RT than would be for re-using solvents. I like the automation it provides - also rotary vane pumps are LOUD and so I imagine I would buy one of the diaphragm pumps that the rotovaps run...
  4. Rabidreject

    Yellow nitromethane?

    After writing that, I ended up with pretty much clear NM, ever so slightly yellow but that came from the higher fractions at the end. It must have just been yellow when the dude made it up because there was def nothing in there but DCM:NM I ended up with around 400ml and a tiny puddle of...
  5. Rabidreject

    Yellow nitromethane?

    Okay so I’ve been prepping to start down a whole new rabbit hole…phenethylamines. The hardest part for me to find in my country - or even out of country, due to shipping concerns, has been the nitromethane. The absolute best I could come up with was finding a supplier from another EU country of...
  6. Rabidreject

    Re-using solvents…..

    Yeh. I do agree with that the - providing you have safe space to store, of course! I am looking forward to the 5l of methanol turning up though!! I think when I run out of DCM this time I’ll order a 5L as well - it’s just annoying how heavy DCM is in comparison! I do eventually want to get a...
  7. Rabidreject

    A novel idea in regards to avoiding laboratory detection.

    Oh yeh I see sorry. My bad. Pretty cool. Isn’t it essentially just the same way activated carbon filters work though? I assume the shape of the holes trap the smells? Pretty cool either way. I guess with charcoal filters if anyone sees it, it can really only be dodgy, in one way or another (I...
  8. Rabidreject

    A novel idea in regards to avoiding laboratory detection.

    It is cool though but also surely, they would need to be warm reactions for it to activate? I’m doing a load of ice cold reactions at the mo….would it work for that? Or do u mean heat it seperatelay…
  9. Rabidreject

    A novel idea in regards to avoiding laboratory detection.

    Surely activated carbon filter? like for growing weed/ that’s what iv seen work…in front of my eyes at home f/e. Probably ahotty but hey ho, I can’t smell anything and iv not had any mentions from my neighbours! Not when I was growing weed or when I do syntheses lol
  10. Rabidreject

    Novel tryptamines….

    Am I being mental? I’m surprised no one has chimed in here….are most chemists here doing am-her and stuff?
  11. Rabidreject

    Re-using solvents…..

    Yeah that makes sense and is in line with what I thought…. I added sili colour change balls after and now it’s purple😖 so gonna have to re-dist and add a shit load MgSO4! Gah being green is such a p.I.t.a on the cheap! I just ordered 5l of anhydrous methanol and I’m f’ing about with like 200ml...
  12. Rabidreject


    I will admit the reason I thought of it is I’m trying to di-ethylate tryptamine using acetaldehyde at the moment! I feel like I learn something new everyday!
  13. Rabidreject


    Is this viable? Okay it’s rough but bear with me…. I have 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, nitromethane, and LAH all in enough quantity for make a fair amount of 2c-h. I also have azeotropic H2SO4 and something like 37% Hcl acid, for if I don’t want to continue straight away, however, and here is the...
  14. Rabidreject

    Novel tryptamines….

    Okay so I’m sure some people are aware iv been making,n-DMT and other tryptamines using reductive amination at cold temps… so I’m wondering, seeing as there are so many things based on the 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, I’m curious what if you were to use that as the source of aldehyde in this...
  15. Rabidreject

    Re-using solvents…..

    Okay cool. It’s only methanol and KOH solution, so yeah that makes sense - I was just wondering if it would bring accross any of the water, as it does with ethanol when you distill it out of water…
  16. Rabidreject

    Re-using solvents…..

    Okay so I don’t have a rotary evaporator - I would love one and maybe one day but I have had success from knowing 0 chemistry to having created a couple compounds now… Okay so I bought a shit load of tryptamine - probably too much really but hey ho! Actually nah you can never have too much...
  17. Rabidreject

    Best use of 2,5-dimethoxyaldehyde

    Man iv done some research since this post! Ha always mad to look back!
  18. Rabidreject

    Reduction of Tryptamine using STAB. Advice?

    Yes I have read the shulgin method, I have the book in front of me. Was just curious if there was a way using acetaldehyde in place of the formaldehyde. Iv heard a few people talk about it and saw some very basic notes on it but havnt expressly heard anyone state it works. With regards the DMT...
  19. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Okay so I have been doing some reading my friends…. Someone said, what fats would be in there, why do a defat step after acidification? This is what I found… In a reductive amination reaction involving tryptamine, formaldehyde, and sodium borohydride, a defat step is often performed to remove...
  20. Rabidreject

    B-Nitrostyrene’s questions….

    Okay so I understand that 2c-h freebase is not stable and I am someone who is going through benzo withdrawals and so I will admit there can be some time between doing certain steps…. I have some 2,5-DMOBA and iv been gathering everything I need to turn it into 2c-h and then from there a whole...