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  1. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Oh and the LiAlH4 I need which is annoyingly hard for me to get. I am considering using an amalgam - not that I know much about it yet. I just saw someone using it to reduce md-p2p and have definitely heard people use it for the Henry reaction or sorry, I should say for the reductive amination...
  2. Rabidreject

    Has anyone got a solid, proven synthesis of n,n-DET from tryptamine?

    It’s all really in the title but honestly, I’d be interested in any of the primary tryptamines that could be made from tryptamine - other than n,n-DMT. Iv been successful at DMT synthesis from tryptamine - which is nice, first full drug synthesis. It’s a nice feeling - different to that of...
  3. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Yeh but I would want LiAlH4 to be fair and don’t much fancy making it…. I havnt beeen doing chemistry for more than 6 months so one step at a time ay? Some people say that STAB is good for reducing carbonyls so I’d be interested in trying that another time. The oil was just off clear and it...
  4. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Oh no it’s fine now….i was just being impatient….also I hadn’t made my own anhydrous MgSO4 at that point. Once I basically just did what the synth said it worked fine!
  5. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    If it doesn’t work this time, I’m giving up, and buying the 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzaldehyde I need to perform the Henry reaction on it using nitromethane or nitroethane. I made sure it is the last thing I obtain this time…. As opposed to this; where I’m stuck with loads of tryptamine!
  6. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Maybe 20g, or 21 to be fair, in 500ml of methanol just wasn’t enough or maybe it was too much… Thing is, that I actually got more of the yellow coloured oil from the first attempt whereby it went a lot warmer than the second. I had to mix the oils from the stage before together due to having...
  7. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Does anybody know if what is said on that n,n-DMT synthesis on hamiltons show about STAB being a better reducer of carbonyls, than say, NaBH4? Would that result in the workup being less…sloppy…it just seems particularly soggy or ‘oily’ with the synth I’m using. I did get success but with a...
  8. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Oh okay, to be honest it was just what I read on Wikipedia as I was wondering what n-heptane was and if this was why I was having issues. Take a look at some of the other isomer names…this is why I was confused as you say
  9. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    That all makes sense yeah…. I really cannot tell you how happy I am I got this done, from having NO scientific knowledge - other than basic second school chem (of which I paid NO ATTENTION and was in the ‘dumb ***** group - couldn’t possibly be we were just not interested!) AND more relevantly...
  10. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    I really cannot tell you how happy I am I got this done, from having NO scientific knowledge - other than basic high school chem (of which I paid NO ATTENTION and was in the ‘dumb ***** group - couldn’t possibly be we were just not interested!) AND more relevantly information from having done...
  11. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Ah okay. I get you - this lines up with the advice to put the chamber on or near a mild heat source (I just placed it on top of my heating mantle and put the thermocouple between them and set it to 50c - then pulled as much of a vacuum as I could. To be honest, I’m not sure this gauge actually...
  12. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Surely all negative pressure is measured in - numbers? This is what ALWAYS confuses me. Here is the pressure gauge on top of my vacuum chamber - that I filled with a layer of anhydrous MgSO4 and just pulled a vacuum and left it all day (topping up - or down 🤔) the vacuum when the gauge started...
  13. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    I couldn’t work out how to edit my previous post and turn it into one. Okay, so I set my mantle to 50c/ put the probe in between the vacuum chamber and the mantle and sprinkled some anhydrous mag sulfate and then pulled a vacuum. Then I watched it….it bubbled more than yesterday for sure but...
  14. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    One last question for now…how do I know I need to replace the anhydrous mag sulf once it’s no longer anhydrous? Will it start clumping as it does when I’m solvents? Surely it won’t just start moving around the place iv put em? So can someone explain what I am actually removing here? Am I...
  15. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Yeah -1bar, it’s actually staying there quite well now to be fair and it did stay there last night for a long time as well (even though it didn’t do much as I forgot the desiccation part of the, VERY MUCH, name implied action!!) It looks like it is doing a lot more now to be fair - at first it...
  16. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Oh shit I didn’t know what that actually meant when people said that before or I’d read something like someone would say it’s a heptahydrate and I wouldn’t know the knock on effects of that. Sure you can work out 7 and something to do with hydrogen but I didn’t realise the implications. I just...
  17. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Ah yes, I actually have a ‘cold trap’ I was wondering if I should be using that as well! OK now it seems like I am getting somewhere! Lol I guess it is basically a bong…nice descriptor! Okay that makes WAY more sense - for some reason I just assumed it was the vacuum that was essentially making...
  18. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Ohhhh shit okay, your suppose to allow some air in and out and simulataneously run the pump. That makes more sense… Okay so I’m using a vacuum chamber designed for getting the air out of epoxy resin, among other things, so I am assuming, I need to find the sweet spot with the ‘out’ valve in...
  19. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    But to be fair, that is about as annoying as it is to have a load of oil you can’t seem to crystalise!
  20. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Omg what the hell happened!!! Haha I access this site mainly on my phone and it doesn’t work so good!