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  1. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    This is where I’m at and it’s tantalisingly close!
  2. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Yeah I actually have a small diaphragm pump anyway but I wanted a pump that can be left on for long periods of time and due to the fact that when I bought the prior oil’less one, they told me it could only really be left on at full vacuum for like 30 mins before over heating - great for vacuum...
  3. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    It’s okay. It came with some oil - now I know, that’s cool. hey am I doing something wrong or does my vacuum chamber / pump just not pull enough of a vacuum or are you suppose to have a desiccant inside at the same time? Like silica balls that change colour, or would you only use them for...
  4. Rabidreject

    Synthesis of DMT from Tryptamine

    This is the synthesis that got me interested in organic chemistry! I saw the dude with three eyes perform it on Hamilton’s Pharmacopea. I actually ended up taking a different route in the end - I simply used the borohydride instead of making STAB….so far! Im waiting for my vacuum desicator...
  5. Rabidreject

    Salting out n,n-DMT?

    Hey guys, So I am on the last step of the synthesis iv been following from tryptamine to n,n-DMT freebase - I’m just waiting on a vacuum chamber/dessicator as per the work up in the synth I’m following BUT If I am successful I have the potential for a lot of DMT and in order to be confident...
  6. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Hi guys; I bought something iv been wanting/ needing for a while to finish my workup of DMT from tryptamine - a vacuum chamber/dessicator. To be honest it was a double whammy because it came with a pump and whatever else it needs to work but yeah I’m interested in the pump. It says it comes...
  7. Rabidreject

    Synthesis of N,N dimethyltryptamine freebase via Fischer Indole (with photos of the process and a video)

    This is such beautiful chemistry but it’s so much more complicated than the double methylation of tryptamine, for your average chemist - granted, I’m still waiting for my vacuum chamber to come tomorrow - we don’t all have fancy vacuum ovens! Haha jk - it’s all in jest coz im jealous! To be...
  8. Rabidreject

    Reduction of Tryptamine using STAB. Advice?

    I am nail bitingly close now lol iv done the final few attempts of re-x. Experimented by using pure heptane for one, and another using 1:9 chloroform:heptane so I guess we will see. The last time I freeze precipitated out the DMT I got a few beautiful white x’stals around the edge and then the...
  9. Rabidreject

    Looking for hydrochloric acid 35%-37% vendor

    Looking for a vendor 
    ABSOLUTELY! It was a private shipping company and a 5L container of ‘pool cleaner’ and so they knew exactly what it was - I OBVIOUSLY have a hot tub I’m cleaning for my mum DUH! Haha it’s pretty handy I DID buy 5L of it coz when I DO use it, which shouldn’t be too far away now - either that or...
  10. Rabidreject

    Looking to do a Henry reduction on 3,4,5-trimethoxybza…

    I mean we do have some success in that I managed to obtain some REALLY clean looking crystals that do smell of DMT - trouble is, there is like 500mg of it! Thats probably being quite generous also! The reason I have a feeling - well, I know it went up to like 5-10c at times, but the reason I...
  11. Rabidreject

    Looking to do a Henry reduction on 3,4,5-trimethoxybza…

    THAT my friend, is the article/ post I have been looking for for a while. I’m hoping I can at least offset my ADHD and lack of motivation/ energy, in order to fuel further more psychedelic projects, using small quantities of amphetamine. It would certainly be more useful than the bottle of...
  12. Rabidreject

    P2np Syntheses Ammonium Acetate Catalysis

    Thanks VERY much for this!! I can’t believe i have had all the precursors I need for one of the most simple RXN’s and didn’t even realise it!! I really appreciate you steering me to this post!!! Can you dry the ammonium acetate by any other method such as maybe dissolving into something to...
  13. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    It is a possibility I let it get too warm as I stupidly added all the formaldehyde (for each addition) at once and to be fair, I could have slowed the addition of the NaBH4 as well. I think I shall re-try the synth now that I have everything (annoyingly other than a vacuum dessicator)
  14. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Re-reading this now is quite interesting. so I have tried the synth. I’v basically ended up with a dark yellow/ish oil and I’m finding it really hard to re-x from using boiling heptane - it just doesn’t mix. I did it yesterday - although admittedly the oil that I ended up with during the synth...
  15. Rabidreject

    Can someone please explain the DMT syntheses from tryptamine?

    That all sounded correct to me by the way, didn’t mean to come off sounding arrogant there. That was a really good answer…I sort of swept that under the rug by accident purely as I’m so close to having performed the RXN I’m just not sure if I added the reducing agent too early - I think you...
  16. Rabidreject

    Can someone please explain the DMT syntheses from tryptamine?

    To be fair I know the process now and am nearly there - I got a few crystals from the final re-x from heptane but the oil created in the second last step (if using NaBH4) is SUPER HARD to do a successful re-x from it. The synth i am following I found on Reddit but have confirmed with others...
  17. Rabidreject

    Reduction of Tryptamine using STAB. Advice?

    Ah okay. Should it be taking a lot of the oil created in the last step by removing the DCM with it when you do the first re-x? I did try a freeze precip purely because I used a pipette to draw up the hot heptane and it instantly went cloudy so I assumed something was happening. I did get a few...
  18. Rabidreject

    Looking for hydrochloric acid 35%-37% vendor

    Looking for a vendor 
    I may be the exception with this as I only get drops and drabs of money now and again so I dunno. I’m sure if you are looking to actually sell and invest it’s a different story - I’m a personal use / cognitive liberty guy. Been to prison for dealing. Don’t want to get involved again so got I to...
  19. Rabidreject

    Looking for hydrochloric acid 35%-37% vendor

    Looking for a vendor 
    lol I love some of the arguments on here (so long as I am not the person being called an idiot) been there, done that! Ha jk. I WILL admit that until recently I didn’t realise you can only get up to a certain % concentration with HCL. I did know about azeotropes from alcohol but didn’t realise...