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  1. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    So I’m having another go at it…. I started it yesterday evening with 10g of tryptamine. I ended up leaving it in my water bath but not turned on and then plugged it and put a tea towel over it (intending to quench it this morning). So I went to bed, started drifting off and ‘WEEE WEEE WEEE...
  2. Rabidreject


    Yiiiiiiiis… this is what we like to hear (mwahahaha rubs hands as evil plan comes together) JK BUT it does give me a seperate option over ammonium acetate and GAA, in which I believe you end up using more of the MeNO2 - which is expensive and annoying to obtain. Cool - thanks for your reply! V...
  3. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Is my thinking not valid that plant extracted DMT has never turned this colour when put in the exact same tub. Okay not the best storage option unless it’s totally packed but still, surely if this one is going red and the extracted stuff never has there must be some sort of impurity in there...
  4. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Why not? Personal bias against injection? I’m not wanting to commit to a pharmhuasca trip because it is Looong but I’m historically used to injecting far less pure drugs - oh and way more dangerous and addictive. It’s an ROA that looks REALLY interesting….have you not read the shulgin reports...
  5. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    I just realised I should have said I don’t know what DMT smells like ha 🤥 Actually that was something I noticed first about tryptamine - it’s similar plasticky smell. Does 5-meo-t or 5-meo-DMT smell and taste like shit too? Iv smoked 5-MEO-DMT back when my first ever RC vendor (who was...
  6. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Okay yeah that all makes sense. I mean I have heard of them talking about defatting in the workup from this reaction - I did think it was odd but at the same time Hamilton generally knows what he’s talking about - as do his guests. It’s strange - maybe he (the self taught chemist that was being...
  7. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Oh one more thing sorry guys… if I try to salt out the freebase DMT I have using acetone and fumaric acid, will it pull the impurity with it? Surely not right? I do really want to try the probably slower onset of a subcutaneous injection or even the difference between that and an IM injection...
  8. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    In terms of this synth, given bits of the product are turning red, would it not make sense to instead of going straight to adding a KOH solution to it, add it to a 5-7% acetic acid solution - protonate the DMT, then defat it with, well whatever works, possibly xylene (hexane didn’t work for me)...
  9. Rabidreject


    Would this be an appropriate catalyst over methylamine HCL for a Henry reaction? I do have ammonium acetate which is my first go to, however, I’m aware you need more nitromethane with that route which is hard to get and expensive… My guy who can basically get anything from sigma-Aldridge...
  10. Rabidreject

    Could someone help me with TLC of tryptamines?

    Okay so I understand the process, I have the sprayed glass plates with silica, I just don’t have ammonia… I DO have ammonium acetate - ammonium acetate is a salted version of ammonia? Or is that incorrect? I read the first article that comes up when you google Tryptamine TLC testing and it says...
  11. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Oh and I do have film making experience…. I DO want to do it, but at the same time - I want it to be right….the stuff I got as I said has all red bits in it as it’s got older (over days not weeks), I also want it to be accessible - so no rotovap or anything to crystalise at room temp…
  12. Rabidreject

    DMT and other tryptamine synth questions….please help…

    Okay I’m back guys. I appologise for disappearing. Anyone that’s spoken to me knows I’m going through some SAVAGE withdrawals!! Okay so I did guess that final yellow oil is good and I did manage to freeze precip some crystals from it once and even dry the re-x’d clear oil that I ended up with on...
  13. Rabidreject

    Has anyone tried Hamilton’s 5-MEO synthesis on normal trypyamine?

    I’m just looking at this and thinking - okay when I acidify the oil that is left over - that I was previously trying to re-x from boiling heptane with mixed results and a hard time drying, would that attract over the DMT to the aqueous phase and he even said that filtering this gets rid of a...
  14. Rabidreject

    Has anyone tried Hamilton’s 5-MEO synthesis on normal trypyamine?

    Okay - just listened to it again. Am aware this isn’t a popular thread as I almost certainly make too many! Dam them untrained chemists asking questions!! Just to put it straight- I was wrong with what I said earlier. You do the standard reductive amination using formalin and boro and then...
  15. Rabidreject

    Has anyone tried Hamilton’s 5-MEO synthesis on normal trypyamine?

    Interestingly I started listening to the Patreon podcast he did, where someone just like me - with only extraction knowledge decided to start synthesising. He basically said Hamilton’s work up was hard and smelly and said something quite interesting - firstly he was quenching the additional...
  16. Rabidreject

    Has anyone tried Hamilton’s 5-MEO synthesis on normal trypyamine?

    Just curious….I have a few things in the works. I have managed to make a borohydride synthesis work but DAM did I need a lot of heptane and the workup is messy and oily. I’m curious if maybe STAB made in situ may work better and secondly am now wondering about just trying Hamilton’s use of...
  17. Rabidreject

    Best use of 2,5-dimethoxyaldehyde

    Okay so I finally found a supplier for some LiAlH4 (someonething iv been looking for for a while!) and they just so happened to also sell small amounts of 2,5-dimethoxybenzaldehyde. Now i only bought 50g and I am wondering what people on here would do with it….I was thinking some 2c-b maybe? I...
  18. Rabidreject


  19. Rabidreject


    Okay - I’m looking to synthesise the above amine and didn’t know where to post this so if it’s in the wrong place apologies. Seeing as iv been successful in my quest to synthesise n,n-DMT, im now looking forward to my next planned synthesis - which is kind of irrellivent as I have everything...
  20. Rabidreject

    So I bought a vacuum chamber…

    Gah, diethylamine is hard to get! For a very specific reason…if there is an easy way to make it please do make me aware but from what iv seen because of LSD it’s pretty hard to get…