Morphine synthesis from codeine


Jul 5, 2021
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The O-demethylation of codeine to yield morphine has been reported using a variety of reagents, including sodium propylmercaptide in dimethylformamide and boron tribromide in chloroform. These methods require a considerable measure of chemical expertise and suitable laboratory equipment. The homebake laboratories have employed an elementary method based on the use of pyridine hydrochloride. This reagent was introduced to opiate chemistry by Rapoport and Bonner and applied to the conversion of codeine to morphine by Rapoport et al. Rapoport and Bonner carried out the reaction under nitrogen at a temperature of 220 °C. Morphine is prone to decomposition or oxidation reactions at elevated temperatures, and the nitrogen atmosphere prevents or reduces these. It also limits the access of moisture, which reduces the yield. In this topic, the procedure followed in homebake underground laboratories is fully described. Additional comments on the method, based on studies carried out in this laboratory on the reactions involved, are included in the discussion section.

Equipment and glassware:

  • Buchner funnel and flask, 500 mL;
  • Separating funnel 500 mL and 1 L;
  • Beakers 1000 ml x2; 500 ml x2; 100 ml x2;
  • Glass rod;
  • Pyrex dish 1 L;
  • Heating plate;
  • Spirits burner;
  • Boiling tube 10-20 mL x2;
  • Boiling tube clamp;
  • Rubber bung;
  • Filter paper;
  • pH indicator paper;
  • Water-jet aspirator.


  • 2 g of Codeine;
  • ~2 L Distilled water;
  • ~100 g Sodium hydroxide (NaOH);
  • ~70 mL Chloroform (CHCl3);
  • 20 mL Pyridine;
  • ~100 ml Concentrated hydrochloric acid (HClaq);

Boiling Point: 462 °C at 760 mm Hg;
Melting Point: 280.0 °C;
Molecular Weight: 335.83 g/mole;
CAS Number: 1422-07-7.


Step 1. Extraction of codeine

Several packets of tablets, sufficient to yield about 2 g of codeine, are crushed and mixed with water. The mixture is filtered using a filter pump, Buchner funnel and flask, to remove tablet binding agents, diluents and other excipients. The aqueous filtrate is poured into a separating funnel and sodium hydroxide solution added to make the solution strongly alkaline. This is then extracted with chloroform (about 50 ml). The chloroform layer is drained off and evaporated to dryness using gentle heating (often on a domestic stove) !without FLAME! The aqueous layer containing aspirin and paracetamol is discarded. The codeine base is recovered as a white crystalline solid for use in Step 3.
An alternative extraction method is described in the "Cold Water Extraction of codeine from over-the-counter analgesics" topic.

Step 2. Preparation of pyridine hydrochloride
In a 100 mL beaker, pyridine (20 ml) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (25 ml) are strongly heated (to about 190 °C) to drive off water. The product is cooled rapidly to form a waxy white solid, which is stored in a sealed container in a freezer to minimise exposure to moisture and avoid decomposition.


Codeine transformation to Morphine
Step 3. Reaction of codeine and pyridine hydrochloride
The reaction is carried out using a boiling tube which is flame-dried before use. Pyridine hydrochloride (3.5 g) as prepared in Step 2 is then heated in the tube until it melts, and any residual moisture is driven off. Any resulting condensation on the inside walls of the tube is wiped off. Codeine base (1.5 g) is added to the tube, which is then stoppered with a rubber bung covered with filter paper and heated until the mixture starts to fume. Heating is continued until a reddish-orange colour develops in the reaction melt, which becomes noticeably more viscous (6-12 min). The contents of the boiling tube are then poured into a 500 mL separating funnel and the volume made up to 100 mL with water. Sodium hydroxide solution (10%) is added until the contents of the separating funnel are strongly basic (pH 12). As the sodium hydroxide is added, the contents turn milky-brown before becoming clear brown again. Chloroform (20 mL) is added. After extraction, the greyish-brown chloroform layer is either discarded or put aside for later recovery of the codeine contained in it. The aqueous layer is poured into a 500 mL beaker and the pH is carefully adjusted to pH 9 using hydrochloric acid and narrow-range indicator paper. The solution is rapidly filtered under suction, using a Buchner funnel and 2 filter papers, to remove a fine, dark brown residue containing unwanted by-products. The filtered solution is then poured into a clean beaker and precipitation is induced by vigorously rubbing the side of the beaker with a 'seeding stick' (glass rod) as the pH is carefully lowered to 8.5 with additional hydrochloric acid. In homebake laboratories, a split wooden clothes peg is often used as the 'seeding stick'. The product is allowed to settle for at least 5 min before being filtered off under vacuum. The morphine product is recovered as a powder, ranging in colour from beige to dark brown.

Results and discussion

Procedural details
The procedure outlined in the experimental section has been followed many times in laboratories. The glassware and other equipment required for the reaction are remarkably simple and readily available from scientific supply companies. Chloroform and pyridine are available from chemical supply companies. Recent awareness among supply companies of the significance of a request for small amounts of these chemicals has led to stricter monitoring of orders. In a number of laboratories, pyridine has been replaced by a crude mixture of picolines (methylpyridine isomers) and other substituted pyridines.

The most common source of heat found in laboratories has been small methylated spirits burners. These give a cooler flame than do laboratory Bunsen burners and enable better control of the reaction between codeine and pyridine hydrochloride. In a few laboratories, heating had been carried out using cooking oil on a domestic stove element. Under laboratory conditions, the reaction has been carried out using a heated sand bath. The use of a rubber hung in the boiling tube to produce a sealed reaction vessel is a simple solution to the problems of morphine oxidation and decomposition on heating and the need to minimise access of moisture to the reaction mixture.

Product yield
Homebake laboratory operators have claimed yields of morphine equivalent to <50% conversion from codeine, but the reaction also forms a complex mixture of by-products. Morphine having a purity of 92% calculated as the anhydrous free base and determined by HPLC has been prepared, although purities in the 80% region are more typical. Negligible codeine is present with the morphine, indicating that the chloroform extraction step is efficient in removing this. This high purity, with little or no codeine contamination, is characteristic of 'homebake' morphine.


Countering these homebake laboratories has proved to be a frustrating exercise for police and for forensic scientists called on to provide scientific support. The entire procedure from extraction of the codeine tablets through to the preparation of usable morphine solution can be completed by a practiced operator in a few hours. The simplicity of the laboratory equipment allows easy portability. It has been known for operators to arrive at an address one afternoon and leave the next morning after having completed one or more syntheses. To support a charge of manufacturing morphine and/or heroin in court., the forensic scientist is asked by the prosecution to show that the required equipment and chemicals are present and, at least for key steps in the procedure, that they have been used. This frequently requires the determination of only trace amounts of products and by-products on the equipment seized. Laboratory operators have become aware of this and carefully clean and destroy vital evidence as they proceed. In some cases, the equipment for the laboratory has been divided and kept in two places to prevent an operator being caught in possession of the comprehensive set.

On the other hand, the problem is to some extent self-limiting. The laboratories are on a small scale, producing only enough product to satisfy the 'habit' of an individual addict and perhaps a few friends or clients. There are indications that the method does not lend itself to a large-scale operation, and the percentage yield drops significantly if attempts are made to increase the quantities involved. Although the original laboratory operators had chemical knowledge. Subsequent operators have had to be taught the method. The percentage yield in the codeine to morphine conversion step is unpredictable, and small variations in the experimental conditions at several crucial stages can make the difference between partial success and total failure. Experience is a big factor in judging the point of maximum yield in the reaction of codeine and pyridine hydrochloride, and also in manipulation of the pH to obtain maximum recovery of the morphine product.
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Don't buy from me
New Member
Sep 22, 2022
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is it possible to use diethylether instead of chloroform(acetone+chlorine)?
and are the codeine tablets mixed with cold or warm water?

when adding the solution of sodium hydroxide(lye) are there any indications when one have added enough?
like precipitation of solids, or color change etc? what ph-level does it have to be?

Sorry for all the questions, but i hope you will answer them, it will be greatly appreciated as i'm just starting out
to learn chemistry and therefore i'm just doing "easy" chemistry to get my feet wet :)


Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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yes, I think you can use diethylether, according to my experience of alkaloids


Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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8 told me :

The "few hours" in a hot conditions in a water environment seems really bad for the degradation of the morphine molecule.


Don't buy from me
Nov 17, 2022
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Comprehensive <:


Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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@G.Patton : thank you for the protocol I succeed 2 times so far :
- 561mg of morphine free base demethylated from 746mg of codeine free base (from 990mg of codeine phosphate)
- 595mg the second time, from same amount of codeine pills.
Here my process :
1) 33 pills of 30mg of codeine phosphate are dissolved in 10mL of distilled water and added of 2 to 3 drops of HCl solution.
2) After 2 hours, the mixture is stirred at high velocity, then, centrifuged near 1000g during 60secondes.
3) The clear solution of water is pipetted from the solid past at the bottom of vials and poured in 25mL beaker.
4) The solid paste is washed with fresh water and centrifuged 2 another 2 times to harvest the maximum of codeine phosphate solution.
5) 0.30grams of NaCl (table salt) is added per 1mL of water solution to help crystals to become insoluble.
5.5) My best advise is to add near 1 to 3mL of ether like MTBE to help the future product to go up at the surface.
6) All the aqueous solution of codeine phosphate (+ ether and NaCl) is magnetically stirred at high velocity, until all the salt dissolves, and 10% NaOH solution is added drop by drop until the solution became homogeneously from another color, more or less more white and pH became above 9.5 (I usually reach 10 to 11) but not below 9.5 it is not enough in my observations.
7) The white powder of codeine phosphate rise at the surface, at the bottom of the ether separation with brine.
8) Pipe the brine at the bottom and put the remaining mixture of dry past in ether on hot surface, near 45°C is very good, and then, dry under vaccuum.
9) The final dry mass is, for me, near 1200mg, far above the maximum 746mg of theoretical yield : the contamination came probably from maize starch or lactose but it don't seems to be important at this stage in order to produce morphine. You can extract only the alkaloid if you want, with chloroform, diethyl ether or MTBE (or other non-polar solvent).

---------------- From codeine to morphine via demethylation with pyridine hydrochloride ------------------------------

10) The codeine free base (assuming near 746mg or little less) is mixed with dry 2grams of pyridine hydrochloride. If your mixture is anhydrous, paradoxically, it is perfect for the yield, but impossible to melt and stir, so you need to add little amount of water. Just some minutes at ambient atmosphere will give your mixture wet and it is ok, you can add it to a glass vial, borosilicate is more secure, with and hermetic cap/lid. Here, 10mL is perfect (oxygen is not good for morphine and many alkaloids).
11) The mixture is placed in 85°C regulated water bath under constant stirring during 90minutes. Check the mixture is enough liquid to enable the magnet to turn, if not, add a drop of water (or maybe ether ??? Founded in some protocols.)
12) The color became more brown/orange. I add 10 drops of water at this stage to give the mixture more fluid and enable all particles of pyridine and codeine to be dissolved and follow the stirring during 30 minutes more.
13) After 120min of total process, remove the vial and add 6mL of water, stir, and pour it in 10mL of water.
14) The beige/brown particles of morphine are falling at the bottom slowly.
15) 10 to 20% of NaOH solution is added during fast stirring and particles suddenly disappeared in the solution to give a brown and transparent solution, pH should be near 9.5 to 10. Some kind of "gelatin" is visible, I don't know if it is morphine mixture or pyridine mixture.
16) The solution is extracted 5 times with 5mL of ether MTBE (not the best solvent for this alkaloid), under violent magnetic agitation (the ether should be totally mixed with the solution) and placed in glass petri dish.
17) The ether is evaporated on a 45°C regulated plate. Then, putted during 12H under vacuum with silica gel and weighed.
18) The final mass of morphine free base is near 560 to 590mg for me.


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Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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And if someone can help : I'm looking for method or test to evaluate the proportion of remaining codeine in final product...


Jul 5, 2021
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Isn't TLC suitable for such test?

P.S. Thank you for your detailed report. It is very valuable for BB Forum!


Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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Thanks :)
You are right, I'll try to find a solution with TLC first


Don't buy from me
Jan 1, 2023
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Alert : the yield (my protocol) is very low !
I can't edit my previous post sorry.
The product finally containing less than 5 to 10% of final morphine probably because the temperature of the pyridine conversion. I'll test with a higher.


Don't buy from me
Nov 7, 2021
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easy enough, any tips on a difrent solvent for recrystalisation


Don't buy from me
Feb 4, 2023
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Can I use toluene instead of chloroform in codeine extraction?