Let's talk about my Ridiculous Tolerance

Anarchy Labz

Don't buy from me
Apr 9, 2024
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Try an MAOI, like moclobemide.


Don't buy from me
May 13, 2024
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Thank you sir again for another recommendation for my list of compounds to try! I've been quiet this past week, here and everywhere. All it's been is Mary all week.

My last 25mg Sertraline was this past Saturday, been feeling rather lazy and bummy. I wanted a full week off the Ice since it's all I have to experiment with at the moment, full week on, full week off. And when I say 'on' I mean only between 0.05 - 0.10g per sniff and I was only doing it once a day. @SauceySockss mentioned doing AN OUNCE per week at one point?! Judging from how much this stuff kicks my brains ass, and how I literally almost *****ing died Monday before last from doing my 'first' 0.10g, I'd say this must be some insane high potency shit, or I've found something that personally I just react uniquely to.

Me on Ice: fast and dumb, a blunt object.. I'm usually very careful and try to be strategic with every decision I make (too much, so usually nothing gets done. ADHD folks know what I'm talking about). On Ice brain is going a million miles a minute but I don't mind it(?) I grab an idea out of the air and I run with it. But I just run and run and run.. Spent the whole weekend after my first Ice week layed up too sore to move from over-exerting myself doing yardwork.. I can't make lists in my head like on the 4MMC so I'm like a cleaning/gardening/fixing fool just bopping from one thing to the next.

Honestly it's how I was in my 20's and 30's before my brain burnt out on Society completely. Really the only difference is the sleepless-ness, I mean, this is psycho. I did .07g at 9am Thursday. After lying in bed for exactly 3 hours here I am writing this at 2:30 Friday morning wtf.

This stuff is too far in one direction basically, something is missing from the 'stim experience' I was having with the MeowMeow and MDMA in the umm, "Sorting and Filing Dept'(?) of my brain. Bought some pet supplies today and the lady asked in passing what breed dogs I had and I could not *****ing remember!!! Like, WHAT?!

If I could just get the brain secretary to do her job AND have these levels of motivation and energy going I think that is the ultimate goal. And since I also have just recently learned about MAOI's I think I will save the pychedelics maybe as a 'reward' for myself once I have this much more serious issue of Nootropics figured out and at least closer to where I'm feeling proper motivation levels because I've got serious shit to get going on dammit!

Anarchy Labz

Don't buy from me
Apr 9, 2024
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You can also try syrian rue seeds aswell they are an maoi aswell. BUT PLEASE RESEARCH THE INTERACTIONS YOU COULD DIE!