Let’s get it straight: there is only one ‘type’ of MDMA


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May 14, 2023
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To be fair and keeping it on topic, there is only one 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). There is really no other MDMA in 100% pure form because the name represents a certain molecule. You can argue all you want about impurities affecting effects etc and the synthesis being tricky, and 100% pure MDMA gets rarely sold in illegal circuits, but that's besides the point OP is making.
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May 18, 2023
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Are you including any hydrates etc.


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detailed earlier herein, the nature of multicomponent solid forms is such that there is significant overlap between salts, cocrystals, and hydrates (Scheme 2), and this can create difficulties when it comes to classification. With this in mind, the strong consensus of the authors is that cocrystals should naturally be grouped with salts for this and a number of other reasons:
•Given that the difference between a salt and a cocrystal might just be the movement of a proton by around 1 Å, is there any reason why the type of interaction in a solid form should in effect be used to classify it? For example, a formic acid solvate of an API could be classified as a solvate, a cocrystal, or a salt. However, only the nature of the interaction between the two components will tell one how to classify such a molecular complex. Does the nature of this interaction have any relevance at all to pharmaceutical science and clinical performance?
•The issue of the “salt cocrystal continuum”, (17) which was raised by the FDA, has not been studied in sufficient breadth or depth to conclude the frequency or importance of this phenomenon. Furthermore, it becomes moot if salts and pharmaceutical cocrystals are grouped together.
•Like salts, cocrystals have defined stoichiometries, and similar solution speciation characteristics, such as common-component effects (similar to common ion effects of salts), multiple ionization (API and coformer), and association (self-association and complexation).
•Similar to salts, cocrystals will exhibit a solubility product (Ksp) and a pHmax (that specifies the thermodynamic stability region of the cocrystal). (18) These properties are of paramount importance in the performance aspects and analytical procedures that cocrystals will require (such as level of coformer, common components) to provide reasonable assurance of their safety and effectiveness.
•There are already marketed drugs that could be classified as cocrystals. Caffeine citrate, (19) Depakote (the valproic acid cocrystal of sodium valproate), (20) and Escitalopram oxalate are marketed as salts but they could be classified as cocrystals according to our proposed definition.
•Polymorphism in cocrystals (different packing arrangements with the same composition, e.g. carbamazepine: saccharin (21) (Figure 3), piroxicam: 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (11d) and hydrates of cocrystals) (22) defy the idea that cocrystal formers play the same role as that of an excipient. Rather, cocrystals are novel solid forms that can be patented (23) and are known to modulate physicochemical properties such as solubility in either direction



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May 18, 2023
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Not me "maps" During my A-levels (the UK’s version of high school), I made the choice to drop art class and take up chemistry. I had come to really enjoy chemistry during my school years, and eventually it seemed like a better option for me to study than art, which felt too abstract—chemistry is exact and predictable, right? What I learned throughout those years and my subsequent chemistry degree, however, was something different: Science is not exact, and our understanding is constantly evolving. It started to seem like a relentless attempt to place evermore complex sets of round pegs in square holes.

Having said that, it is not as though the results of these human scientific endeavors aren’t astounding and necessary, as they include feats of engineering and medicine. The point is that even those feats are imperfect; they are not always fully understood and can carry risks. Just like the building that won awards for structural and architectural brilliance can have unknown faults and fail years later, the drug that is shown to be highly effective in its target indication can bring unknown side effects that surface after licensure.

This background helps me understand why the chemistry of MDMA, a well-known molecule first developed in 1912 and patented by Merck in 1914, is not exact, not yet fully known, and still requires detailed, stringent analyses and controls.

And why one does not simply easily dissolved in water. I think this last argument is also the strongest against your case. . If people didnt boof it put it in water etc. etc. etc. even after multiple re crystallizations in multuple solvents to the point where MDMA begun looking like pure meth shards but still having issues in water or orally.It has an excellent bio-availability in the 60-70% range kinda flys out the window when I recrystallized MDMA to look like pure meth. With me and many other people it was still strangely still felt lackluster?

The path for a molecule, therefore, from early-phase API and drug product to a commercial product, is an iterative one. It involves increased levels of understanding around the synthesis, potential impurities, isomers, crystalline forms, and physical properties—all of which need to be controlled and understood to the fullest, as they can have an effect the safety and pharmacology of the drug.

The chemistry of MDMA is not a given, and requires expert development to get to the commercial standard we need to ensure patient access and safety at scale. However, it should not be expected that we will stop learning about the chemistry of this compound; changes in manufacturing process, scale, and product formulation can bring with them new challenges and lessons.

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May 18, 2023
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I also wanna say I dont know crap about this but there has to be something to it that other people understand better then me. and have degrees but the honest truth I think the real pros even people producing 100s of kilos are still missing something maybe nick sand or others might know ... but then again MAPS doesnt even have much more info vs me or others...


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May 18, 2023
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Trust me man it is NOT that simple..

, it not very complex, and is easily dissolved in water. I think this last argument is also the strongest against your case. The stomach will break down any form of MDMA because it's so easily dissolved. It has an excellent bioavailability in the 60-70% range. If you are so concerned about MDMA polymorphism, dissolve your stuff in water, no more polymorphism, just MDMA molecules in water.


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May 18, 2023
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I assure we have have dumped multiple kinds of different mdma in water, added more mdma, BOOFED it, IM/IV. It is sub par mdma caused by, impurties, polymorphism and alike


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May 14, 2023
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I get it dude, MDMA doesn't feel the same for you, you've been taking it for nearly 40 years. It did a number on your brain, and even if it didn't, you know too much and the magic is gone. People have been talking about the magic of MDMA dissapearing since the 80s, it's nothing new. If I ***** my wife for 40 years, it's not going to be the same as in the first month, there is no shame in admitting that. If I take MDMA, I feel the near-full effect, but it isn't the same still, something is missing. I don't blame the compound for that, it's perfectly pure, it's just that the machine (my brain) perceives it differently. If I introduce a friend (and I did many times), they will have the experience of a lifetime. They will be talking about it in 10 years, and I know they will, that's why I do it. But I also know that feeling is gone for me.

This will probably be my last post in this thread, as I have the feeling I'm talking to a wall here. Find me one example of a water-soluble drug that has issues with polymorphism in literature. You will have a very hard time, I will guarantee you this. And if you find something on the apolar side, you know what the solution is? Yes, make it a salt. By definition, any molecule that is ingested by first dissolving it completely in water, has no polymorphism issues.
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May 18, 2023
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Loss of magic” does not explain the issue, because the alternate effects profile has been experienced by users new to MDMA, INCLUDING MDMA VIRGINS and users with a short history of use. Also, many users who have experienced this sub-par MDMA go on to experience traditional MDMA from other batches of product with no loss of quality to the experience....

And I'm telling you MAN I HAD MDMA that 100% looked like glass, that I personally recrystalizationed like no other 3-4 times with Dh20, acetone and MEOH ... it passes with FTIR.. put in water or taken normally and idk what to say it had a Subpar effect.. I'm sure there is stuff we don't know about. Either it is polymorphs that's effecting solubility and disillusion in a liquid or what me and many others have no idea

I MYSELF after that batch encountered a really good batch from MDMADOTCOM and so did my girlfriend. Then encountered junk. I've auctually compared both those crystals by FTIR

I've also had mdma made from safrole from penta manufacturing before the mdmadotcom batch but people needed 300+mg it felt off but passed gcms and failed NMR.

I've also after that 300mg thing encountered good batches.. idk what it is but I've cleaned it so it looks really good, put in water etc. And it's really really really weird man... much more then meets the eye
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May 18, 2023
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I get it dude, MDMA doesn't feel the same for you, you've been taking it for nearly 40 years. It did a number on your brain I don't think YOU get it

Because I've had BOTH good batches and bad batches after 2007. And well into 2021/22 I've found good quality mdma. And bad batch after. It's def something to it. What I have no idea. And no. Putting that really pure multi recrystalization FTIR tested mdma into water... still had lackluster effects.. going Back to mdmadotcom batch it was good. Back to junk product it was junk. Trying mdmadotcom again after trying junk and waiting..

It works as expected

MdmaDOTCOM batches after and a few others it didn't matter boofed or in water or what it just worked. Sad I don't have access to NMR anymore to get a better look


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May 18, 2023
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Find me one example of a water-soluble drug that has issues with polymorphism in literature.

ok ill bite

The consequences of Abbott Laboratories’ antiretroviral drug Ritonavir, used to treat HIV infection and AIDS and problems with polymorphism has yet to be universally understood. Avoiding action has not yet widely been taken on polymorphism by the global pharmaceutical industry, so it is worth repeating the story.

In 1996 Abbott launched on the market an effective protease inhibitor Norvir® that had cost the company in excess of $200 million to develop. The drug was formulated as an encapsulated ethanol/water solution. In the summer of 1998, supplies of the drug were interrupted by the appearance of a new crystal form (polymorphism) at a plant in the USA and then later at a plant in Italy. This new, more thermodynamically stable polymorphic form had very different physical properties than the earlier material and Abbott was forced to withdraw the drug from sale. The new form failed dissolution tests and precipitated out within the capsules. The company lost an estimated $250 million in sales as well as hundreds of millions of dollars trying to recover the original polymorph while the product was off the market. No doubt many AIDS sufferers were not helped by the product’s absence. What appeared to have happened was that a degradation product obtained during manufacturing had initiated the appearance of a second crystalline form, a second polymorph.


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May 18, 2023
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Impact of polymorphism on drug manufacturing

With knowledge of polymorphism in the drug substance, the generic pharmaceutical scientist must devise a formulation that will overcome the effects of polymorphism. Highly water-soluble compounds have no effect on bioequivalence since the first step in the bioavailability of any drug is solubilization. The only effect that polymorphism could have in the case of a highly water-soluble compound is with respect to manufacturability. It has been reported [1] that particle shape and powder density

However mdma users have crushed it before going into water...

Impact of polymorphism on formulation bioequivalence

As was demonstrated in the ritonavir example, the primary impact of polymorphism is with respect to drug product dissolution. Dissolution is a prerequisite for bioequivalence since the drug must first dissolve before it can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract [18]. In general the most stable polymorphic form will have the lowest solubility. Since bioequivalence is relative bioavailability, in the case of poorly soluble compounds, polymorphism should be overcome by formulation chemistry in

The impact of drug substance polymorphs on generic pharmaceuticals development revolves around solubility of the drug substance and dissolution of the drug product. Once the existence of polymorphism has been identified through the literature, the drug substance available must be evaluated. Based upon the solubility of the drug substance, formulations can be developed. In the case of compounds that have poor solubility, the formulation must be developed so that the effect of polymorphism on


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Importance of Solubility on the Bioavailability of Drugs​

Solubility is the ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent to form a homogeneous solution of the solute in the solvent. This property is influenced by temperature and pressure [17]. Typical aqueous solubilities are indicated in several Pharmacopoeia, including the U.S. Pharmacopoeia (Table 1).
Solubility is an essential property of drugs, because they must dissolve in order to be absorbed through membranes and reach the site of action. Consequently, solubility is one of the most critical and important parameters influencing drug bioavailability, that is, the ability of a drug to be available in an appropriate concentration at the site of action, independently of the pharmaceutical dosage form and route of administration.

The importance of the solubility parameter is confirmed in the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (BCS) [24], a scientific framework for classifying drug substances based on their aqueous solubility and intestinal permeability [22,25]. The BCS takes into account three major factors that govern the rate and extent of drug absorption from immediate release solid oral dosage forms: (1) dissolution; (2) solubility; and (3) intestinal permeability. According to the BCS, drug substances are classified as follows:
  • Class 1: High Solubility–High Permeability
  • Class 2: Low Solubility–High Permeability
  • Class 3: High Solubility–Low Permeability
  • Class 4: Low Solubility–Low Permeability

    Actually, it has been demonstrated that differences between the solubility of one polymorph and another are typically lower than a factor of 2 [34] or more rarely of 5 [35]. Thus, while a polymorph may offer a slight improvement in solubility compared to the original compound, this benefit may be offset the fact that it is also less stable than the original, and thus there may be no advantage in choosing this polymorph over the original compound. Actually, metastable and more soluble forms tend to convert into the more thermodynamic stable form in a relatively short time. The presence of specific excipients, or particular chemical and/or technological processes may accelerate the transition to the solid state [36,37]. This transition may proceed according to the relative thermodynamic stability of metastable forms, or be accelerated by the presence of seeds of one polymorph in another, with important repercussions on clinical practice, as it was the case of ritonavir (refer to the specific paragraph).
    Solvates, also inappropriately termed pseudopolymorphs [38], are crystalline solids containing within the crystal structure either stoichiometric or nonstoichiometric proportions of solvent. When the incorporated solvent is water, the solvate is called a hydrate [27]. In general, it is undesirable to use solvates for drugs and pharmaceuticals, as the presence of organic solvent residues may be toxic; regulations for all the organic solvents in products for human use establish specific limits to how much daily exposure to residual solvent in the formulated preparation is allowed.
    The solubility and dissolution rate of a drug can significantly differ for different solvates, and in particular hydrates. Important reviews concerning pharmaceutical solvates and hydrates are those of Morris [39] and Khankari and Grant [11].
    Hydrates may have a faster or slower dissolution rate than the corresponding anhydrous form, though more frequently, the former are slower than the latter [40], perhaps because there are fewer sites of the drug molecule available for interaction with water during dissolution. A classic example is theophylline anhydrate, which dissolves faster than its hydrate form [41,42].
    In other cases, the hydrate form exhibits a more rapid dissolution rate than its anhydrous form: for example, erythromycin dihydrate was found to exhibit a significantly faster dissolution rate than that of monohydrate and anhydrous forms [43,44].
    Glibenclamide has been isolated as pentanol and toluene solvates, and these solvates exhibited higher solubility and dissolution rate than two non-solvated polymorphs [45].
    The physical stability of hydrates and anhydrous forms strongly depends upon the relative humidity and/or temperature of the environment [46,47,48], and transitions from one form to the other occur as a consequence of variations in storage conditions and/or technological treatments [37,49].
    In particular, anhydrous to hydrate transitions can occur during dissolution at the drug/medium interface and can affect dissolution rate and perhaps bioavailability [46].
The following paragraphs report several examples of poorly soluble drugs for which polymorphic issues proved important.

5.1. Chloramphenicol Palmitate​

A decades-old classic example of the importance of polymorphism to bioavailability is chloramphenicol palmitate, a prodrug of chloramphenicol with antibiotic properties, developed with the objective of obtaining a more pleasant flavored derivative [64]. Chloramphenicol palmitate exists in three polymorphic forms [65,66,70,71], the stable form A (biologically inactive modification), the metastable form B (active modification) and the unstable form C [67], which recently have been fully characterized thanks to advances in analytical methods [68,69]. Polymorph A is the thermodynamically stable one, but its absorption in humans is significantly lower than that of polymorph B [72], because Form B dissolves faster than Form A, and has much higher solubility [73]. This solubility difference probably results in the difference in ester hydrolysis rates, and thus in the difference in oral absorption, if one considers that chloramphenicol palmitate must be hydrolyzed by intestinal esterases before it can be absorbed [74]. These results were also proven by the low serum levels reached by the stable polymorph A, whereas the metastable polymorph yielded much higher serum levels when the same dose was administered [75].

5.2. Oxytetracycline​

While for many years it has been known from various studies that patient blood levels of oxytetracycline differed according to the supplier of the oxytetracycline capsules, [77] or that in vitro dissolution performance of oxytetracycline tablets differed according to the various sources [78], only more recently have these differences been attributed to the presence of different polymorphs [76]. Tablets prepared from the form A polymorph dissolved significantly more slowly than tablets prepared from polymorph B: indeed, the tablets with form A polymorph exhibited about 55% dissolution at 30 min, while the tablets with form B polymorph exhibited almost complete (95%) dissolution at the same time. Further studies characterizing the physical and chemical properties of oxytetracycline polymorphs would be useful, as no recent works are available in the literature.

5.3. Carbamazepine​

Highly different polymorphic forms of carbamazepine, a drug used in the treatment of epilepsy and trigeminal neuralgia, were discovered through classical crystallization methods and fully characterized from a physicochemical point of view [79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89]. More recently, a crystal engineering design strategy has facilitated supramolecular synthesis of 13 new crystalline phases of carbamazepine [90].
Even though different studies demonstrated that anhydrous and dihydrate forms of carbamazepine have similar pharmacokinetics in humans [92], and another indicated that there are no differences in bioavailability between a generic carbamazepine product and an innovator product [93], several clinical failures with carbamazepine were reported [94,95]. In particular, several problems were observed with Generic carbamazepine tablets, which were recalled due to clinical failures and dissolution changes [96]. It was suggested that discrepancies in clinical parameters and irreproducible clinical behavior within different batches and suppliers of the generic carbamazepine tablets were due to moisture uptake during storage. Actually, it is well known that anhydrous carbamazepine converts to the dihydrate within 1 h, when the anhydrous form is suspended in water [91]. More recently, it was confirmed that the initial dissolution rate of carbamazepine was in the order of form III > form I > dihydrate, while the order of AUC values was form I > form III > dihydrate. This discrepancy may be attributed to the rapid transformation from form III to dihydrate in GI fluids [97].

5.4. Ritonavir​

Ritonavir, an antiretroviral drug of the protease inhibitor class used to treat HIV-1 infections, was found to have polymorphism that strongly impacts on solubility and dissolution rate. Originally, only one form was described, and was formulated as soft gel capsules containing an ethanol/water solution molecule. Two years after the launch of the product, several batches failed dissolution specifications. A new thermodynamically stable Form II was discovered, but this form precipitated out of solution, having ~50% lower intrinsic solubility than the reference form. This finally forced the manufacturer to recall the original formulation from the market [36] and reformulate it in an oily vehicle.
Using solid state spectroscopy and microscopy techniques including solid state NMR, Near Infrared Spectroscopy, powder X-ray Diffraction and Single crystal X-ray, ritonavir was found to exhibit conformational polymorphism with two unique crystal lattices that have significantly different solubility properties [98]. In addition, HT screening identified a total of five forms, the two well know forms and three unknown ones [60].

5.5. Atorvastatin Calcium​

Atorvastatin calcium is an inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase, with strong ability to lower blood cholesterol. Atorvastatin, the most preferred molecule among statins, was developed and marketed by Pfizer under the trade name Lipitor® [121] and was the number one selling drug in the US until its patent expired in 2011. Atorvastatin is unstable and the hydroxyacid form (HF) is converted to a lactone form (LF), which is 15 times less soluble than the hydroxyacid form [103,104]. This instability of atorvastatin calcium leading to poor solubility (0.1 mg/mL) is the main cause for low bioavailability of the drug after oral administration: the absolute bioavailability of ATC is only 14% [105].
At least 60 polymorphic forms/solvates/hydrates have been patented [99,100,101] and several pharmaceutical companies are developing or have developed generic drug formulations based on different atorvastatin calcium polymorphs.
Due to the patent expiration, several companies produce the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) of atorvastatin calcium, available on the market as stable crystalline polymorph I or amorphous form. It was not unusual to verify the presence of polymorphic impurities in the marketed atorvastatin calcium (API) with consequences on drug bioavailability and stability [102].

5.6. Axitinib​

Axitinib is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor of endothelial growth factor that interrupts tumor angiogenesis and thus prevents the growth of cancer cells. Because of its strong molecular flexibility, 60 solvates, polymorphs of solvates, and five anhydrous forms have been discovered [106,107,108,109]. The commercial formulation under trade name Inlyta® contains the stable anhydrous form. Unusually, conventional crystallization methods did not lead to the discovery of this most stable polymorph; rather, it was obtained by the uncommon method of slurrying the solvates at high temperature. Understanding of the desolvation pathway was critical for obtaining the most stable polymorph of axitinib [107].

5.7. Phenylbutazone​

Phenylbutazone is a potent anti-rheumatic drug that exists in different polymorphic [110,111,112] and solvated forms [113]. Different solubilities, dissolution rates and oral absorption were highlighted between two different polymorphic forms [114].

5.8. Rifaximin​

Rifaximin is a synthetic derivative of rifamycin with very low gastrointestinal absorption, but that nonetheless displays a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity [115,116,117]. According to the European Pharmacopoeia, rifaximin shows crystal polymorphism [118] and several polymorphs (α, β, γ, δ, ε) have been described [119]. The most thermodynamically stable form, polymorph α, is the one used commercially. In vitro studies show different dissolution and solubility rates for these polymorphs, and in vivo investigations in dogs found different pharmacokinetic patterns, with δ and γ polymorphs displaying the highest systemic bioavailability [119]. Blandizzi et al., [120] compared one generic rifaximin formulation with the branded product (the latter containing only polymorph-α) and found that most PK parameters such as highest concentration achieved in plasma (Cmax), area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), and cumulative urinary excretion were significantly higher after administration of generic rifaximin. X-ray power diffraction analysis of the generic formulation showed the presence of both rifaximin-α and amorphous rifaximin, which could have contributed to the increased systemic bioavailability of the generic formulation.

For approval of a new drug, the drug substance guideline of the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) states that “appropriate” analytical procedures need to be used to detect polymorphs, hydrates and amorphous forms of the drug substance and also stresses the importance of controlling the crystal form of the drug substance during the various stages of product development [122].
Modern techniques such as ss-NMR and NIR can identify polymorphs in dosage forms (within limits), and should help improve mechanistic understanding of polymorphs in future studies [123]. Fast and easily applicable techniques such as DSC can determine the solubility of different polymorphs very rapidly and accurately [124]. The selection of crystal forms of improved solubility and bioavailability is possible when appropriate strategies are applied to guarantee the drug stability over the shelf life of the drug product. The evaluation of crystal transitions through appropriate analytical technologies serves to predict unwanted conversions during the drug product shelf life.


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May 18, 2023
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Dissolution and solubility is a prerequisite for bioequivalence since the drug must first dissolve before it can be absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract so we can agree on that ok ok. And if we crush mdma to a fine partle and make Molly water or whatever everything in threoy should work/ be the same But...

Crystalline hydrates are a pharmaceutically important type of crystal form. An estimated one-third of active pharmaceutical substances are capable of forming a hydrate.27 The addition of the water molecule(s) in the crystal lattice alters the physical structure and properties of the drug substance including changes to the dimensions, shape, symmetry, and the unit cell.28 These changes lead to differences in pharmaceutical properties such as solubility and chemical stability.28 The alteration of the physical structure and the properties that occur when a hydrate is formed should be considered for a solubility predictive model; however, the majority of solubility estimation methods either assume the most stable anhydrous crystal form, or do not address the impact of different crystal forms, including hydrates. This can be problematic considering that the meta-stable anhydrous form has been shown to be 2x, 3x, and even 22× more soluble than its hydrate.29–30 As a result, it would be theoretically expected that aqueous solubility estimations, based on the anhydrous crystal form alone, would tend to over-predict the solubility of a drug that forms a more stable hydrate in water.

A theoretical model has been developed to predict the solubility ratio of polymorphs.31 However, there are no models that take into consideration additional energies present with hydrates, nor how those energies would affect the overall solubility. Therefore, the aim of this study is to describe a mathematical model based on an extension of the ideal solubility equation, which reasonably estimates the solubility of a hydrate. This model investigates the concept of accounting for the dehydration energetics of the hydrated solute in addition to the anhydrous melting energy. This model will lend itself to the appreciation of the solubility differences that can exist between hydrate and anhydrous drug forms


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Nov 5, 2022
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The only Mdma that exists is the one in the photo that I will show (I have more) all the rest are impurities

I am lucky to be a friend even though thousands and thousands of km separate us from the artist who synthesizes the best Mdma in the world


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May 18, 2023
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I see 2 or 3 different structures of crystals of those crystals which in my experience can have profound effects....

Personally I would need to see what more looks like the top looks uniform and 1 type or form of mdma and the second looks like a type 2 or 3.the top half looks more uniform then the bottom half. is what i'm getting at
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Nov 5, 2022
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Enjoy the spectacle of the largest crystal in the world (28g )


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Dec 19, 2022
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It's a geometric freak of nature. Imperfectly perfect in every way.


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Nov 5, 2022
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Outcast it would be a dream to synthesize mdma... but I had a very, very bad experience with glycidatopmk (customs) and out of fear I didn't insist again

I could synthesize an MDMA of the same quality because my friend gave me a tutorial that I have saved in pdf. Perhaps I couldn't make a crystal as gigantic as that because you need a lot of recrystallization knowledge to make such a monster of crystal

I have the consolation of being friends with the best mdma synthesizer in the world despite being thousands of km away from me

Mr Good Cat

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Jan 6, 2023
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Did you use oversaturated water solution of MDMA HCl? Till what temperature did you heat it?


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Nov 5, 2022
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his own words:

the recrystallization was 80°C

the giant crystal was grown from initial freebase + 33% hcl solution

with extra H2O added

it was not heated

Mr Good Cat

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Jan 6, 2023
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Interesting. Probably I missed something of your scientific discussion. Could you send me the link of this crystallization method, pls?