HXE Synthesis


Don't buy from me
Sep 22, 2023
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1. Guys I am goin ape shit with this one
-Down the hole we go-

1. Eugenol conversion to 2-oxo-PCE: Eugenol is a natural phenolic compound that is found in clove oil and other plants. It can be converted to 2-oxo-PCE, a novel dissociative anesthetic and ketamine analogue, by a three-step synthesis involving oximation, nucleophilic substitution, and reductive amination
3. Convert eugenol to eugenol oxime by reacting it with hydroxylamine in an acidic medium (citric acid)?. This is similar to the synthesis of aldoximes from alkenes via Rh-catalysed hydroformylation, except that eugenol already has an aldehyde group1.
4. This step can be performed under microwave irridation at 150 c; for 5 min, with 300 w max.
5. | Citric Acid can enhance the reaction rate and yield of the oximation by providing protons and coordinating with the hydroxyl amine salt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2-Oxo-PCE
7. Convert eugenol oxime to 3’-hydroxy-2-oxo-PCE by reacting it with 2-chloroethylamine in a basic medium. This is a nucleophilic substitution reaction, where the hydroxyl group of the oxime is replaced by the amino group of the chloroethylamine. (Possibly using mandelic acid derived 2-chloroethylamine which is an alternative organochloride that can react with eugenol oxime to give 3’-hydroxy-2-oxo-PCE. |Mandelic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid that is found in almonds, cherries apricots.| Mandelic acid can be converted 2-chloroethylamine by reacting it with thionyl chloride and ammonia.https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11164-023-05032-4
8. | This step can be performed under microwave irradiation at 180 °C for 10 minutes, with a maximum power output of 400 W. The reaction can be monitored by TLC or NMR spectroscopy. The product can be isolated by crystallization or chromatography
10. Convert 3’-hydroxy-2-oxo-PCE to hydroxetamine by reducing it with sodium borohydride in methanol. This is a reductive amination reaction, where the ketone group of the 2-oxo-PCE is reduced to an amine group, forming hydroxetamine.
11. (Alternatively)
13. Convert 3’-hydroxy-2-oxo-PCE to hydroxetamine by reducing it with biocatalysts, such as transaminases or imine reductases, in the presence of glucose or ammonia as the source of hydrogen or nitrogen.
14. |This step can be performed under microwave irradiation at 100 °C for 15 minutes, with a maximum power output of 200 W. The reaction can be monitored by TLC or NMR spectroscopy. The product can be isolated by filtration or extraction56
|(another alternative for this step )

• Hydrogen and metal catalysts: This is the preferred reductant for reductive amination, as it avoids the use of stoichiometric reducing agents and produces water as the only by-product. However, this method may require high pressure and temperature, and the choice of catalyst may affect the selectivity and yield of the reaction1. Some of the metal catalysts that can be used for reductive amination are derived from natural alkaloids, such as nickel from nicotinic acid or cobalt from cobalamin.
• Biocatalysts: These are enzymes or microorganisms that can catalyze reductive amination reactions under mild conditions and with high enantioselectivity. They can use cheap and renewable substrates such as glucose or ammonia as the source of hydrogen or nitrogen. However, they may have limited substrate scope and stability, and they may require cofactors or additives1. Some of the biocatalysts that can be used for reductive amination are derived from natural alkaloids, such as transaminases from pyridoxal phosphate or imine reductases from NADPH.

Nanoparticle-catalyzed synthesis: This is a method that uses nanoparticles as catalysts for reductive amination reactions. Nanoparticles have high surface area, unique physical and chemical properties, and tunable activity and selectivity. Nanoparticles can also be recycled and reused in some cases. Some of the nanoparticles that can be used for reductive amination are derived from natural alkaloids, such as gold nanoparticles from curcumin or iron oxide nanoparticles from bacillus simplex bacteria
-And finally you have HXE which is a legal parent compound to MXE. Plz comment your choices and feedback on corrections towards bio/greener organochemistry principles and paths after experiments procedures because I literally 3 day in a rowed this with out sleep or stop before I lost thought process.
When it’s confirmed good and improved


Don't buy from me
Sep 22, 2023
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Plz someone have a free kit for me to play with lol my shit just got smashed u can say over a bad report card… jk but ya pm me


Don't buy from me
Sep 22, 2023
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Oh cuz it may not seem fn straightforward is cuz I had to compare every molecule I have 491 tabs open and I still don’t feel good about it


Don't buy from me
Feb 22, 2023
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Uhhhh....... no.
Lets start with a look at Eugenol what has three substitutions on the benzene-ring and HXE has just two. Dat does not match up. And Eugenol is no Aldehyde either, Aldehydes are =O at the end of a carbon chain just look at the structures and see:

And honestly: It is just going downhill from here, but it does not matter as already with the Eugenol all hope is lost.

But lets be constructive: You could use for example 3-hydroxyphenyl-2-cyclohexan-1-one what should be available and brominate this in the alpha position with Copper(II)bromide whats a very selective and effective reaction, then form the Imine on the keto (-one) group, the =O, what in this special case will not liberate water but by in intramolecular shift will replace the Br - bromine with an Hydroxy-group -OH the Br is released as HBr, hydrobromic acid, an equimolar amount of added triethylamine will take care of this acid. Now you have the Imine and an -OH where your Amine should be. Thermal re-arrangement at 180 °C (160 °C in the Microwave) or less with an added Lewis Acid catalyst is the answer to the problem. In this step the stuff must be completely dry or yields are *****ed. In the re-arrangement the Imine and the -OH switch place but the Imine keeps the H, hydrogen and becomes an Amine and the -OH without hydrogen becomes a Ketone, =O. Ketone as it is not at the end of a chain, then it would be an Aldehyde, but it is in the middle and thats called Ketone.

The chemistry here is a bit unusual or "advanced" with the Imination and the re-arrangement, but the actual problems are in the last re-arrangement step which sounds so simple - just heat to 180 °C for XX time - but is the most problematic of the whole thing.



Don't buy from me
Sep 22, 2023
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Ya I did find errors in this I forgot to include the change of eugenol into an iso first of all and to a mvk maybe that’s better I thought this was an interesting idea to progress I did run it and have complete failure