High yielding trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene synthesis (detailed description)


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Feb 2, 2024
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I wrote detailed description of substituted nitrostyrene preparation for those who are interested in 2C type phenylethylamines and have some issues with this step (@Rabidreject) or want to increase yield and purity of this precursor.

trans-2,5-Dimethoxy-beta-nitrostyrene (2,5-Dimethoxynitrostyrene, 2,5-DMNS, CAS 40276-11-7)​


Preliminary quality control:

Best yields of up to 95% in this reaction are achievable if the purity of precursors, especially aldehyde and NM are high enough.
  1. 2,5-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde (2,5-DMBA) m.p. should be 50°C or close to that. If it was made by yourself or by other cook and m.p. value is far from that or you cannot achieve high yields, better purify it by high vacuum distillation or via bisulfite adduct, or at least recrystallize once.
  2. Nitromethane (NM, MeNO2) b.p. should be 101°C at 760mmHg. If it's not from original bottle, redistill it and collect middle fraction with as narrow as possible range, preferably within 1°C, e.g. 101+-0.5°C, it can deviate +-2C from literature data, depending of atm. pressure in your region.
  3. Ethylenediamine (EDA) should fume in open air, if no smoke seen, than it's highly contaminated with water or is not what you think it is. You can dry it by NaOH/KOH, decant and then extra dry by sodium metal or molecular sieves and then distill it or try to prepare diacetate salt (EDDA) in cold dry diethyl ether. It’s very hygroscopic salt. Pure EDA has b.p. 117°C at 760mm.
  4. Glacial acetic acid (GAA) also should be as dry as possible, place it in refrigerator at 2-5°C and wait for crystallization, if it's not occurred within 1-2 days = too much water. In that case place it in freezer. If it become only partially solid – decant liquid and save crystalline mass, you get relatively dry GAA. I works only if acetic acid content is already at least 80%+.
  5. Alcoholic solvents (methanol, isopropanol) in most cases are dry enough for this reaction directly from commercial suppliers, but if any doubt, better buy from another source or distill it (for methanol only) via Vigreux column.

You need:​

  • 2,5-DMBA – [MW = 166.17 g/mol] – 1 eq.
  • Nitromethane – [MW = 61.04 g/mol] – 1.2-3 eq. (0.44-1.1 w/w; 0.39-0.97 v/w)
  • Ethylenediamine – [MW = 60.10 g/mol] – 0.4 eq. (0.14 w/w; 0.16 v/w)*
  • GAA (acetic acid) – [MW = 60.05 g/mol] – 0.9 eq. (0.32 w/w; 0.31 v/w)**
  • Solvent – abs. iPrOH(IPA) (x7 v/w) or abs. MeOH(methanol) (x3 v/w)
  • 2,5-DMNS (product) – [MW = 209.2 g/mol]
* Some reports show that with ethanolamine instead of EDA with a bit different proportions also good yields was obtained.
** That is ~1.1 molar equivalent (~10% excess) of GAA relative to Ethylenediamine, as we need 2 moles for every mole of amine to get diacetate salt in situ. A bit excess necessary to guaranty full neutralization so there is no free amine left in the reaction mixture, as it will induce byproducts formation.


1) Proportions are given by weight (w/w = weight-to-weight) relative to aldehyde, except for solvent, so for example if you start with 10g of 2,5-DMBA, then you need 4.4-11g of NM, 1.4g of EDA, 3.2g of GAA and 70ml of IPA or 30ml of MeOH. If you want measure NM, EDA and GAA by volumes, that is less precise but more quick technique with pipette/syringe, then divide their weight values by their relative densities for pure compounds at 20°C:
- NM (1.137 g/ml) => 4.4g / 1.137 = 3.87ml; 11g / 1.137 = 9.67ml
- EDA (0.9 g/ml) => 1.4g / 0.9 = 1.56ml
- GAA (1.05 g/ml) => 3.2g / 1.05 = 3.05ml

2) As you already noticed here is given wide range of Nitromethane to aldehyde ratio, it’s done intentionally to demonstrate reliability of this reaction, as excellent yields was achieved with as small as 1.2 equivalent (20% molar excess) of NM and remains stable within all that range, so if you have pure dry NM and it’s hard for you to get, do not take large excess, this EDDA catalyzed reaction will greatly save you both money and time.

3) If you get great yields with your current quality of precursors, next runs you can reduce catalyst load up to 2 times or even more, until it not affect your yields, for example take 0.3/0.675 eq. or 0.2/0.45 eq. of EDA and GAA respectively.

4) In case of methanol as a solvent, reaction rate is greatly increased, 5-10mins at 60°C is enough. This also can be attributed to the increased concentration of reactants, as aldehyde has greater solubility in MeOH. When dark red color is obtained, all aldehyde is mostly consumed. Holding it more at that temperatures after all aldehyde is reacted will decrease yield. Don’t use more solvent than necessary. But reflux condenser with water flowing in this case is a must.

Procedure for 10g of aldehyde:​

In a 250ml flask dissolve 10g of 2,5-DMBA in 70ml of abs. IPA (or 30ml abs. MeOH in 100-250ml flask) by warming and stirring/swirling a bit.
Add 1.4g(1.6ml) of dry fuming EDA, then slowly 3.2g (3.1ml) of GAA (fumes), when everything become homogeneous add 4.4g (3.9ml) of NM and preferably attach reflux condenser (could be without water flow) and stir magnetically or swirl it from time to time by hand with gentle heating on water bath or hotplate so that internal temperature remains near 60°C* for up to 1h (5-10 mins for MeOH solvent). Cool down to RT, in most cases crystallization will occur, if not, try to scratch the inner walls with glass rod and place it in refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. Brake crystals in a still cold reaction mass with rod or spatula or by shaking/stirring, vacuum filter the nitrostyrene product (2,5-DMNS), wash with small amount of cold 1:1 v/v IPA:Water solution (or 1:2 v/v MeOH:Water) and air dry. Yields are up to 95% (12g, 1.2 w/w). M.P. after recrystallization is 118-120°C.**

* For convenience you can control just outer bath temperature, usually it should be 5-10°C higher, so hold it within 65-70°C.
** In most cases recrystallization is not necessary, but can be done from a minimum amount of hot IPA or IPA-Water solution.
If there is given enough time for crystals growth, you will obtain orange to orange-reddish thin crystalline material, sometimes reminiscent of glass wool, or just as a long needles.

WARNING: Skin irritant! Wear gloves, glasses and avoid dust of this product.

@Rabidreject, I wish you the best yields and waiting for your feedback.


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Dec 2, 2023
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Oh you ABSOLUTE legendary character! I REALLY appreciate that, iv found some people on here don’t want to answer chem questions as they think it’s going to put you off and buy from them! Anyway - your numbers actually do correlate with mine. I have been on a distillation mission for some reason I didn’t use a vigreux to separate my 40%w/w nitromethane;DCM solution! I didn’t even nearly purify it enough BUT I am getting there.
Also, I’m glad the ethylenediamine is supposed to smoke! Mine was from sigma, indirectly but was a little surprised by that given its bp but hey.
GAA will go in the fridge later….
oh and I added a HUGE excess of solvent and it was a low boiling one….
I will come back to this article for sure….
thanks for taking the time….pretty amazed that the original post hasn’t had more comments, maybe I’m just that crap at chem! lol

I was wondering earlier, how many people on here do chem to make drugs to sell and how many on here are just trying to supply themselves with both the drugs but mainly the knowledge?
thanks again!

I have probably 200ml of nitro;dcm mix left that I need to separate and then probably 250ml of pretty pure I’d say 99c-105 or so? Something like that - then 150ml of properly pure NM…when I REALLY can’t be assed to purify it anymore I shall try again as per my cu spreadsheet - which correlate with your numbers….
Will report back for sure!


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Dec 2, 2023
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Yeah I literally have it in my spreadsheet as 1.2-3 molar Equis’s as well only it was impure and I added double the amount by accident!
There are so many places I went wrong to be fair - didn’t realise acetic acid was also used as a catalyst….

The reason I started this project is I do actually have the LAH to reduce it after, I was then planning on using acetaldehyde to turn the 2c-h into the imine intermediate yo do a reductive amination, ending in 2c-e. If my logic is flawed, I’ll find another way around it but would be useful to know what you think…obviously 2c-h hcl is a great option to store and brominate, ethylate whatever I fancy or can get hold of pretty much….

I just thought of the ethylate on with acetaldehyde as I was trying to do that with tryptamine - is just 1 more project I’m sort of doing lol


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Dec 2, 2023
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im Gonna do one more perfect distillation of the NM and then will pro try the 10g one you mentioned using methanol as I have loads and you need less lol
ill update tomorrow…it’s going to be a hot one though which is annoying….
is it really just a 1h reflux at 60c? That’s crazy effective….


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Dec 2, 2023
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Wooo I just read the methanol times!? That’s insane! It makes sense and I am just more inc to use less solvent after last time where I used WAY too much!


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Apr 30, 2023
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me gusta usar este producto


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Dec 2, 2023
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Hey @FENTAMAS, (Not sure how to direct a comment at someone, like you did to me)

My GAA says 98.8% min - it’s been in the fridge overnight while I figure out the NM situation…I’m wondering if I should just chuck it in the freezer anyway and see if I get much water?

I do actually trust the supplier tbf, found him on here just as he was retiring…bought a load of stuff - everything iv used so far has been top quality….guess we’ll c

i love how people do that @auc….just show a photo of a chem someone is trying to make with absolut no info of how, why or what….I mean yeah, you can c it’s a b-styrene if you’ve seen them but hey, did you make? Did you buy? How? What catalyst? Using NM as the solvent or just a reagent?

literally questions after questions after questions! (All from a Santa’s sack of random b-nitrostyrene)…glad you managed to make whatever you made and if you simply bought it then phhh…


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Dec 2, 2023
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I am infinitely more confident in the purity of my nitromethane after using a fractionating collumn. Way more controllable. yesterdy I ended up with one solution of 50c-101c ‘junk’ and then probably the same amount of ‘dirty’ nitromethaje where I couldn’t get it to go above 101 with the collumn so took it off and collected it that way.

Today I put the dirty nitromethane in and added the collumn, nothing came over until about 70 or 80 then rose to about 90 and went back to 60 lol
Then rose again to like 90, then dropped to 80 or so and THEN it rose to juuuuuust under 101 and stayed there…..
Then it stayed at 100 (it’s a hot day, dubno if that effects pressure or something but I was encouraged by this as the fraction collumn also stayed at just below the BP of DCM so it makes sense for the cheap, shit thermo to either be slightly out OR the pressure I’m at atmospherically) and just gradually rose to 101 before it ran out starting material…

so whatever came over just below 100 when it fluctuated lots was added to the ‘junk, redistill using a collum‘ bottle….doubt I’ll retrieve that much more nitromethane (which was really the whole point of the exercise as I can get DCM, BUT I do feel confident, the small amount of NM I have will be pure) this time, the temp never rose above 101c before running out of starting liquid…

onwards and upwards - as I say, I’m pretty confident that however my GAA bottle is labelled will be accurate, as I have other chems from him that are only like 70 odd % - so I dont c why he would lie about GAA of all things….

ill try the synth again maybe tomorrow but it’s going to be a hot one and dam that respirator gets hot! Dunno if anyone else is finding this atm!

oh yeh also the GAA will have been in the fridge for 2 days tomorrow so I can check on that 1….cant say iv ever seen crystalline GAA but then it’s one of the few that have been nowhere near a fridge….


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Dec 2, 2023
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Can I just ask @FENTEMAS or anyone else really. I have a smallish amount of LAH as it’s alt but tbh - other than re-vaccuuming it with another layer and some moisture balls….

im just reading up on the practicalities of actually handling it and I need inert atmosphere to actually add it to the THF in order to use….is this a must? I could probably manage a tank of nitrogen but argon? I doubt….

Any idea’s - I think I saw a post where someone did a large scale mescaline reduction using NaBH4 and something like copper (ii) chromate as a catalyst….but this defeats the point - I still have the LAH already!


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Dec 2, 2023
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Wow I really did not anticipate that GAA actually being pure - I opened the bottle worried at first then as soon as I tried pipetting it into the grad cylinder it was hard to weigh as what wasn’t liquid just filled the tube with vapour!
so very glad I made an absolute of wearing PPE!


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Feb 2, 2024
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@Rabidreject, So your GAA crystallized fully in fridge?

Some more notes for you:

1) Never distill to absolutely dryness, especially such things as nitromethane that can accumulate explosive things in case of impurities. Always leave at least 5-10%, for that reason round bottomed flasks (RBF) in an oil bath with temp approx. 20°C more than distillation point of a product is preferable. Seems like your NM was pretty pure and has no much high boiling fractions.

2) Temp. fluctuations that you has was likely due to changes in power you apply for heat the mixture. So use oil bath.

3) Don't open LAH now if it's in original bottle, if you do it, you have approx. 1 month for different synthesis with this stuff, later it will be useful only for some solvent drying.

4) Don't ask ChatGPT for help with chem questions at least until 2027. 2C-E is done by different approach. Ethyl chain is on the benzene ring, not N-alkyl as in tryptamines. If you have good quality LAH, you can make 2C-D/DOM by first reducing your 2,5-DMBA to dimethoxytoluene, then formylating it and then as usual. Read PiHKAL and look for the structures to learn more.


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Dec 2, 2023
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Thanks for your reply. I got a BEAUTIFUL crystalline lattice at 30+c!

The problem was three-fold I think before…

1. Too much solvent by a factor of 4…
2. Didn’t distill the NM using a friggin’ column…
3. Didn’t add acetic acid…

So I had two bottles of GAA from the same source - put one in the fridge for 2 days and saw no crystals and so thought oh god! Added it to the freezer and almost straight away ended up with…

Literal ‘glacial’ acetic acid! Haha as in frozen solid! So I grabbed the unfrozen one and it smoked like hell!

I dunno why BBGate always spins my pictures 90degrees…

If you can bare the shake, I did a time lapse on the crystallisation as I literally just happened to walk into my workspace as it was JUST STARTING to form lumps around the stir bar. I’ll redo it with a proper d-slr with a light source behind so you can see better but still…it was a quick improvisation to grab my phone.

Iv never seen x-stals form in front of my eyes!


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Dec 2, 2023
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Okay it won’t let me upload the video anyway! Ha


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Don't buy from me
Dec 2, 2023
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Oh shit it did it! Ha this website is pretty glitchy on my iPhone on the clearnet tbf


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Feb 2, 2024
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Great! Place it a freezer or et least in fridge anyway to collect more and increase your yield, as product is soluble even in cold MeOH to some degree.


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Dec 2, 2023
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Oh yeah, and as for the actual plan re the LAH - yeah, it’s in original unopened bottle, which I know is sealed, lidded and then vacuum sealed. I added a second layer of vacuum seal with some desiccant in there too.
I think I plan to use this to reduce the 2,5-DMOBNS I made today, as well as probably the rest of the 2,5-DMOBA I have, then salt it as the HCL salt most likely and THEN decide a plan of action to ethylate it…probably just go the shulgin route tbf, unless i happen to see one on here that uses a more attainable chem to ethylate with…

Secondly, I think this RXN actually completed within a few mere minutes - I kept it going for 20 mins but honestly from 5-10mins onwards, it didn’t change colour anymore.

oh I also HIGHLY doubt I shall end up with anything near a 95% yield as I added the acetic acid fairly quickly due to me being a little over scared of all the mad fumes!

It was nice and comforting that I couldn’t even smell the acetic though…

To be honest, the thing I am MOST pleased about is the fact that the NM I have access to - even though only a 40% w/w solution (much like the RC nitro fuel), I’m SO glad I asked if it HAD to be with methanol or if I could switch that for DCM.

Otherwise it wouldn’t have been possible - all I ended up with from the methanol/NM mix was some SMELLY AS ***** like burnt oil sort of mix that yellowed like Fanta within a few days. Clearly a mix of everything still!

Even if the DCM:NM mix was relatively expensive when compared to RC fuel, it did actually separate really well in the end…

Obviously just buying nitromethane would be easier - something I can do for nitroethane just not nitromethane! V annoying but the ethylenediamine/GAA has REALLY saved me a LOT of NM!
Otherwise I’d have been using ammonium acetate and NM as the solvent too.
Thanks a bunch!
It’s ironic I posted on that nbome post AAAAGES ago before I had ANY of the materials and just started collecting bits I knew I needed and ended up being offered ethylenediamine, which took me back to that post!


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Dec 2, 2023
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Oh yeh it went in fridge for a while dw - it was just amazing to watch it crystallise in front of me.

Yes I was actually mistaken about the 2c-e.
Sorry I was thinking of escaline from 3,4,5-TMOBA…although not sure if that would work either to be clear I mean by going via mescaline as an intermediate for that.
Again could be wrong for sure.

Do you know if this catalyst system works for the 3,4,5-TMOBA as well? Obviously stoichiometry would need adjusting or at v least molec weights and therefore values but still…have you tried at all?


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Dec 2, 2023
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Wow I got a pretty horrible yield 1.8g from 10g benzaldehyde annoyingly.
I did just kind of chuck the GAA in as opposed to slowly so I’m not too surprised.
I’ll probably try it in iso next time too. Cheers for the info bro!


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Feb 2, 2024
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So what was your procedure? You should ALWAYS make short lab notes of each step you do with exact volumes, temperatures, times, etc., so that you can analyze it later or share with community.
Simple drop of "I got 1.8 from 10" tells nothing for both you and us.

What I see:
1) You got pretty good yield as there is obviously more than 2 grams of product crystallized as we see on video, moreover if it crushed out that much even at 30°C from methanol then there is much more in the solution.
If you freeze it enough and quickly vacuum filter it while cold you should get almost all of it.
I assume you *****ed up somewhere with filtering step or more likely you later washed out most of your product with too much not too cold solvent.
I hope you saved filtrates. You can add x2-x5 volume of distilled water to it and place in freezer to collect it.

2) First time you do any synthesis, even if you're super-skilled chemist, try to follow procedure EXACTLY as described. If there is given 5-10 min, then 5-10, not 20. etc.
Take into account that you left your flask sitting on the hotplate after you switch it off, that gives it additional time at high temperatures.
Maybe I'm wrong and there are a bit larger flasks in your region, but it looks like you poured a bit more than 30ml of MeOH.
You did not distilled your methanol to check it was dry enough.

About 3,4,5-TMBA and other aldehydes: in practical organic chemistry often there are no universal reaction conditions and catalysts for each case, even if structures are very similar, so for other aldehyde likely there is different optimal conditions/catalytic system. Try to get good results with 2,5-DMBA first.


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Dec 2, 2023
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Yeah don’t worry I’m not giving up!
Yeah - I made notes, in a spreadsheet…

Unless my volumetric measure is incorrect it was def 30ml methanol.

I did let it go a few mins too long +4 mins too long…I got distracted cleaning something I think….

I also did cool it straight down to RT it just happened to be 30c, so I added it to the fridge for a few hours.
I thought I was supposed to bring it down to RT slowly to help with crystallisation. Guess I was wrong…

Maybe I could have left it in the cold longer and washed with colder solvent also.

The aldehyde really isn’t that pricey and I have a lot of the other reagents so practice is practice…

As I say, I always make notes, I just don’t usually upload them as I figured most people don’t want to look at my shitty spreadsheets!