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    LSD Cocaine Buy Zlín 
    Fakt ze jo, WholeProdCz je na Archetypu taky. Tak jsou teda u nas celkem dva.
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    LSD Cocaine Buy Zlín 
    Jediny vendor v CR, ktereho jsem za poslednich 6 mesicu videl, je CzechAirlines na Archetypu. Nabidka se v prubehu casu meni, ted tam vidim MDMA, ketamin, 4MMC a nejake pharmas (Xanax, oxy a nejake dalsi). Ceny jsou vyssi a nikdy jsem od nej nic nebral, tak nedokazu soudit kvalitu ani servis...
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    The simplest recipe for crystal Mephedrone

    No, as base when MMA,HCl is used.
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    H2SO4 supply in Europe

    Looking for a vendor 
    Yeah in the EU it is regulated by the Regulation (EU) 2019/1148 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019 on the marketing and use of explosives precursors. Sulphuric acid in concentrations above 15 % is restricted for the general public. Don't even try to purchase it as...
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    H2SO4 supply in Europe

    Looking for a vendor 
    Unless you are a business that meets legal requirements then only through darknet (but I have not seen any such offers anywhere) or you distill it yourself from a lower concentration.
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    Mephedrone synthesis (4-MMC) in NMP solvent. Large scale.

    Yes this is a good alternative to using hydrochloric acid, as long as you meant to say "acidification" instead of "crystallization". No acid is added during the crystallization stage.
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    Archiv časopisu Drugs & Forensics Bulletin Národní protidrogové centrály

    Měl by někdo celá čísla? V archivu na webu Policie ČR (odkaz níže) jsou k dispozici jen okleštěné verze, ve kterých mnoho obsahu chybí. www.policie (tečka) cz/clanek (lomítko) drugs-forensics-bulletin-narodni-protidrogove-centraly.aspx
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    Ephedrine vs Methamphetamine

    Meth does not occur in nature, it is man made using different routes from various precursors including ephedrine. It's like ephedrine is crude oil that occurs naturally, and meth is plastics that people make from crude oil.
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    green 4mmc precipitation

    Would you like to share more details, such as what solvent and reagents you used, what kind of acid, the quantities, what steps you took and the duration of each step, etc?
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    I'll get to that point later. Until then I'll finish this improvised build using things I already have and learn from experience what I really need to get and improve.
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    In this build I'll use a fan that moves 1730 cfm, that should be plenty even accounted for losses. I'll post the result in few days.
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    Meanwhile I've also built this contraption as a side quest before I finish the primary exhaust. The paper tube was cut crosswise about 12 cm deep from one end. The resulting segments were bent to fit a 12V computer fan and the pipe has essentially become a converter from round to square cross...
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    It's time to move on with the build: Cut out a large window into the box through which you will perform tasks inside the finished fume hood. It does not need to reach all the way to the bottom. Cut out a hole for the exhaust in the opposite side, situated closer to the top so that rising fumes...
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    How to purify 4-MMC

    What would be the most effective technique to do that? I've seen videos where acetone was poured over powder/crystal on Buchner filter and immediately filtered away. I've also seen someone in a discussion suggest to stir 4-MMC powder with acetone in a jar/beaker to better dissolve impurities...
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    How to purify 4-MMC

    There are articles about that, you should start by reading them and the discussion underneath.
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    Inquiry About International Shipping and Stealth Packaging Methods

    Did you mean bath salt? Print a nice sticker with a soapy bath tub, some fancy name, effects (soothing, skin hydration, etc), sample weight and slap it on the bag/bottle. Add a business card of your fictitious business that matches the declared sender and include a product sheet with usage...
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    Mephedrone synthesis (4-MMC) in NMP solvent. Large scale.

    This was discussed in the main chat few days ago. The general recommendation was to distill the EA off at 55 °C in vacuum (/negative pressure) for improved yield. Is this what you meant, or did you mean to distill at normal pressure at 77 °C (boiling temp of EA)? This is the first time I read...
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    I can't write in the chat room. What should I do?

    I've added you, please check if it works.
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    Home Laboratory: DIY Fume Hood

    For the 1st stage extraction we're going to need: pillow case to scavenge for transparent plastic foil paper tube from the best Scotch whisky 12V fan 80x80 mm 12V power adaptor glue gun wide (50 mm) adhesive tape tape measure utility knife