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  1. ossi

    1-Phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) Leuckart amination to amphetamine and methamphetamine. Smale scale.

    hello, that mean i need for 1000g P2P more than 50 liters Benzene and more than 90 liters DCM? or do you need less for large quantities? thx
  2. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    😁 I didn't know how much acid to drip so I just went by feel
  3. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    yes I did it by feel, just like with amph base
  4. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    still i try this, It's no longer mush, but granular, I see when I stir it up. stirred long time with ethanol and dropped H2SO4
  5. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    When mixed with ethanol, it immediately clumps into a jelly-like mass. almost does not mix with ethanol
  6. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    i think pur free base. little thick oil
  7. ossi

    methylphenidate base?

    hello, someone brought me a yellow liquid that smells little like Apple Cider Vinegar and said it’s methylphenidat base from producer factory? any idea how to crystallize it? thx in advance
  8. ossi

    Methylphenidate (Ritalin) synthesis

    someone brought me a yellow liquid and said it‘s methylphenidat base. someone know how to crystallize?
  9. ossi

    MDMA synthesis from piperonylmethylketone (PMK/MDP2P) with formic acid

    I'm very curious what the experts will say about this @William Dampier @G.Patton
  10. ossi

    MDMA synthesis from piperonylmethylketone (PMK/MDP2P) with formic acid

    would be great if you update here 🙏🏼 good luck
  11. ossi

    MDMA synthesis from piperonylmethylketone (PMK/MDP2P) with formic acid

    sorry, my english is not so good, german better. i mean i want try first same as here written, still waiting reagents. but i'm confident
  12. ossi

    MDMA synthesis from piperonylmethylketone (PMK/MDP2P) with formic acid

    please can write someone big scale? 🙏🏼
  13. ossi

    amphetamin base

    thank you, i try asap
  14. ossi

    amphetamin base

  15. ossi

    amphetamin base

    yes, this i mean. very poor quality. I don't have a scale, but I'll estimate one to one by volume