I discovered BB Forum 3 days ago thanks to Black Pyramid market and their very friendly support that I've joined about a month ago.
First of all: thank you both for bringing some freshness into this field that is the darknet.
Second and not the last, when most people like to keep it simple ( and ugly most of the time ) because of poor coding or designing sills or simply because they are just too lazy to undettake necessary upgrade, these guys double-up the amount of effort and guess what: it shows ! in every aspect !
Big-Up to you Heinsenberg and Amenhotep for the great work.

As far as I could try ( I have a total of 8 orders completed ), the market is overly fast, pictures, search, profile, member and product page load in like no time.
I really enjoy the checking out system as well and the dynamism without the use of Java. That's brilliant.
The design is flawless too ( okay I agree I've always been a big fan of Egytpian culture for my part... )
When other market feel old and kind boring and usually run by the same crew again and again, you really performed what I call an outbreak in this field and I suppose it's now just a matter of time before you pull decent traffic if not already.
I saw some beef here and there with other people you might bother with your service: I say ignore them, do not give a shit and keep it up with the nice work.