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Dec 22, 2022
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A drug of the indazole class for its deliriant effects. It also has very noticeable CNS stimulation (which may or may not be uncomfortable).
common effects include:
  • Hallucinations (both OEVs and CEVs tend to be delirious with a commonly sinister component)
  • Euphoria (may turn to dysphoria)
  • Paranoia and fear
  • Delirium
  • CNS stimulation (includes high bpm, sweating, trembling, hyperthermia)
  • Tactile hallucinations (stroking, biting, zapping etc)
  • Delusions and psychosis (more common at higher doses. Not that common at lower doses however)
Benzydamine has an intriguing structure that resembles that of tryptamines, which could imply that it has some psychedelic properties. I have done some experimentation with this and have found that benzydamine is potentiated by ketamine, alcohol and LSD, and also powerfully potentiates LSD (it doesn’t potentiate ketamine or alcohol however) and it has no synergy with 2C-B and actually leads to quite an uncomfortable trip due to excessive stimulation (there is a possibility that it potentiates BZY though. I’ll have to repeat the combo to confirm). I’ve yet to try BZY with other substances such as tryptamines and opioids however.

Length (for a 1000mg dose taken orally) :
Onset: 30mins
Peak: 6-8 hours
Peak length: 30-60mins
Comedown: 30-60mins
Aftereffects: 6-24+ hours (CNS stimulation may last much longer than the trip itself)

Light - common: 500mg; results in a cannabinoid-like stoning effect which acts in waves throughout the entire trip. The stimulation isn’t very noticeable and manifests in a high heart rate and shaking. Some hallucinations and mild paranoia may arise

Common: 1000mg; some delirious hallucinations (shadow people, creatures, tracers, morphing, breathing and other visual anomalies). Paranoia is quite common once you begin hallucinating. The euphoria begins to decrease the greater the dose taken most likely due to increasing euphoria. The hallucinations at this level don’t lead to delirium most of the time and you remain aware that you are hallucinating

Heavy : 2000mg+ (higher doses have increased risks of psychotic symptoms and hppd); Very frequent hallucinations that appear all over your vision which may be distressing. Tactile hallucinations can occur and additionally, during bad trips may lead to pain (biting, zapping, cutting etc). Significant paranoia is present very commonly. Delirium is very powerful at this level and may lead to believing you are doing a task or some other mundane activity and then after some time passes, snapping out of it to realise you weren’t actually doing it which can lead to confusion and disorientation. The hallucinations tend to be of a shadowy nature with some solid opaque hallucinations appearing at high enough doses or at the peak. They also get more realistic (or you get more generally delirious. It’s not always easy to define) at higher doses or the closer you are to the peak. The experience may also last significantly longer than lower doses

As with other deliriants, harm reduction practices are highly recommended due to the risk of psychosis and it is strongly advised that those predisposed to or suffer from mental disorders do not take this substance.

Benzydamine is usually *****d because of its legal status in most countries, meaning that most of the time it is cheaper and easier to obtain than other substances


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Dec 22, 2022
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Due to the products that contain benzydamine usually containing other ingredients that become increasingly harmful at higher doses, extraction is highly recommended and in some cases, necessary.
The product which contains the most benzydamine for the best price is usually Tantum Rosa (other names include Tantum Verde) with it usually containing a convenient dose of 500mg per sachet with 10 sachets per box. However, each sachet also contains ~9.5g of salt - a very high amount that may be dangerous if not considered.
There are several extraction methods for Tantum Rosa each with differing yields and purities.

Alcohol/organic solvent extraction:
Benzydamine is very soluble in organic solvents such as alcohol leading to it being a very efficient method of extraction due to salt only dissolving in polar solvents such as water. The method consists of dissolving the contents of the sachet in the solvent (preferably warm) and stirring for up to 5 minutes to maximise the amount dissolved (the amount of solvent required depends on the solvent used but for isopropyl alcohol it’s around 2.5oz) . Then filter the solution through filter paper or similar in order to remove the salt and then pour some additional solvent through as well to maximise the amount extracted. Lastly, the filtered solution should be evaporated (can boil or leave to dry outdoors. Most solvents would be flammable however so take care) until only dry white crystals are left behind. It should look similar to salt except it looks more “glittery” and is finer​

Water extraction:
One of the cheapest and easiest forms of extraction. It consists of dissolving 500mg of benzydamine in 50ml of warm-hot water in a cup/beaker and stirring until it appears to be all dissolved (it should look cloudy white/off-white). Leave to sit in a cool dry location for at least 10 hours or overnight, the longer the better and you should observe a thin crust that is somewhat high purity benzydamine. Remove this crust while avoiding the salt that would have settled at the bottom of the container and you should have a decent yield of high purity benzydamine. I’ve noticed that sometimes this method doesn’t work and instead results in a slightly pink/purple coloured translucent sludge at the top (most likely due to impurities) with it occurring about 30% of the time for me. This sludge is still dissolved benzydamine however (with a small amount of salt that shouldn’t be harmful) and could be evaporated to dry it out and get a powder​
Oil extraction:
The same theory as alcohol extraction, except that edible organic oils cannot be evaporated easily and it still dissolved some salt. Mix one sachet in a test tube (a thin vessel is best) with 100ml of warm water and 1-3 tablespoons of cooking oil (I use olive oil since it’s easier to distinguish from water). Stir to break up the oil as much as possible until it’s a cloudy-yellowy emulsion. Leave to sit until all of the oil settles at the top again and then extract this oil using a syringe (or any other method that avoids extracting the water) and then this oil is what will be consumed. Note that this has the lowest yield of all of the methods but curiously leads to a longer trip (most likely due to affecting digestion)​

If a powder is extracted, then it is recommended that it is put into pill capsules to avoid the taste and its locally numbing effects. The oil should be downed quickly and you should receive minimal local anaesthetic effects (the oil doesn’t mix easily with your saliva reducing the amount in contact with your skin)