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  1. N

    home brewing Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace) with pictures (one of the most popular anabolic steroids for strength and lean mass)

    Testosterone Cyp, Test Enth, or Test prop. these are all very good choices in regards to health. Testosterone enth and test cyp have long half life test prop is faster acting 3 day half life. Now the best way to do testosterone for health woud be hormone replacement therapy which you would need...
  2. N

    home brewing Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace) with pictures (one of the most popular anabolic steroids for strength and lean mass)

    Yes ChingShih injection is really the best way. To answer how does tren compare to test prop, tren ace is king of the steroid family but you always need a test base no matter what. You can do these other hormones without testosterone but it will bring on side effects. Always have a test base no...
  3. N

    home brewing Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace) with pictures (one of the most popular anabolic steroids for strength and lean mass)

    In this post i am going to explain how to brew Trenabolone Acetate (Tren Ace), first is a list for what you will need. 1. Two 500ml pyrex pot 2. A 500 ml glass beaker 3. 250 ml of Benzyl Alcohol 4. 250 ml of Benzyl Benzoate 5 1000 ml of MCT oil make sure its 100 percent MCT. you can use grap...
  4. N

    Deca durabolin

    Deca durabolin, this compound is classified as a nandrolone, or 19-nortestosterone. It was first made by a company named Organon it was used in osteoporosis (loss of bone tissue), certain types of anaemia. Deca durabolin is a common bulking steroid it puts fluid in the tendons to make them more...
  5. N

    Testosterone Propionate (AAS) (STEROIDS)

    Thanks for the heads up. Ill be Brewing here in a few days will be posting pics and ect to show processes. thanks again for the help and supporting my thread.
  6. N

    anabolic steroids,hgh,insulin,peptides. Also how to bio hack your body for longevity and pct.

    Hey guys. Posted a new thread about Test Propionate. CHeck it out
  7. N

    Testosterone Propionate (AAS) (STEROIDS)

    The subject of test propionate. Usually this compound is usually dosed at 100mg per ml. Now to explain this homrone we first need to acknowledge the main difference in this compound is the ester, most of these steroids have a ester attach to the hormone the ester is the time release of the...
  8. N

    anabolic steroids,hgh,insulin,peptides. Also how to bio hack your body for longevity and pct.

    Hi guys, To be honest i just chose this hormone with this ester because Cypionate is one of the only testosterones that is prescribed by a doctor why you might ask well the FDA and red tape. The best type to be honest that depends for hormone replacement therapy test cypionate or test enanthate...
  9. N

    anabolic steroids,hgh,insulin,peptides. Also how to bio hack your body for longevity and pct.

    Hi everyone, im going to start this thread with the hormone testoserone. Now there are many types of testoserone, but for this post im going to be talking about test cypionate. Now this hormone was developed in 1935 it was developed for boosting the testoserone levels in the body to make men...
  10. N

    anabolic steroids,hgh,insulin,peptides. Also how to bio hack your body for longevity and pct.

    @G.Patton, thanks for liking my thread. Im new here, i just want to say that people on this forum could benefit from this subject, not from just a health stand point but also from a chemistry stand point also. The process of making this hormones is interesting. But anyways ill be posting weekly...
  11. N

    anabolic steroids,hgh,insulin,peptides. Also how to bio hack your body for longevity and pct.

    Hey everyone, my name is Nucky i have been on and off gear and all peds for the better part of a decade. i want to start a thread on the ped world, In this thread i will be answering and posting about steroid cycles, For men and women also will be talking about how to stay healthy while running...