Thanks a lot brother. Good info. Do you think a phosphoric acid -> potassium iodide -> hydriotic acid would be as good? I'm thinking not but hey, maybe that works as well
By the way, I wouldn't say shit except that I've seen all over the place that if you need rp or pseudo or eph, then this is the place to be. So i join and i search and lots of people say they have it and i message them and no response. So it feels scammy to me.
And I don't care what anyone says, a good RP + I + good ephed or pseudo eaction is just better quality. I don't understand why but it just is. Disagree? Love to hear your thoughts.
i is easy. seriously you can get it on ebay in crystal form. I actually make lugols for health benefits and have no issue buying i crystals.
RP is sold in various countries legally, its not that regulated.
And you used to be able to get pseudo or eph. no prob. HOWEVER, I haven't been in business...
Listen up, these chems are not hard to obtain. What is the issue here? I need fairly pure eph or pseu. and good rp. PM ME. I've got the money if you've got the action
Just want to say that I requested a free sample. It was 4m, but I was not interested because I was looking for meth. I told glitchy not to send it because I wasn't gong to use it and customs crap to the usa wasn't worth it to me. Like 6 weeks later I got the free sample that I asked not to get...