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  1. V€ctor Company

    Does getting very large crystals during meth crystallisation show signs of a less pure product?

    I have been following the following guide: and have read the following: Paradoxically, dirty meth crystallizes better than pure meth because the crystals...
  2. V€ctor Company

    !!BE CAREFUL!! - Proof of the presence of undercover police agents on peer-2-peer crypto trading platforms (e.g. agoradesk and localmonero).

    Another great piece of advice for the community to stay safe. Thank you for your contribution.
  3. V€ctor Company

    !!BE CAREFUL!! - Proof of the presence of undercover police agents on peer-2-peer crypto trading platforms (e.g. agoradesk and localmonero).

    Recently, many people have been talking about federal agents posing as buyers and sellers for various cryptocurrencies ESPECIALLY bitcoin and monero on Peer-2-Peer trading platforms. As a result of this a lot of people may have dismissed these claims as FUD and carried on. However, as I was...
  4. V€ctor Company

    Whats safer your own tor website or telegram for buisness deals?

    Also, you may be thinking about signing up to telegram and only signing in while connected to a VPN but even in that case, the tor network is still a lot more secure as VPNs are no where near as good as making you anonymous and VPN companies will log you even if they claim they don't. VPNs only...
  5. V€ctor Company

    Whats safer your own tor website or telegram for buisness deals?

    Running your tor website will definitely be a lot more secure if you set it up correctly over a secure operating system e.g. qubes-whonix Telegram does encrypt your communication but it does not make you anonymous. We can tell that this app is not designed for anonymity as they literally ask...
  6. V€ctor Company

    Anonymous package mailing

    Thank you so much, this has been so helpful!
  7. V€ctor Company

    Anonymous package mailing

    What is the most anonymous way possible for me to mail a package in the USA or Europe with a tracked service such as USPS priority or Deutsche post tracked in Europe? I am seeing a lot of news about these vendors getting arrested as a result of the mail being traced back to them which would...
  8. V€ctor Company

    send packages in the most anonymous way

    dont use abandoned houses because the postman will notice and report it. Rural farms sound better as long as they have a address to them but it can't look run down or abandoned because the postman will report it again. The best thing to do is use a drop address and set up your buyers opsec to be...
  9. V€ctor Company

    (+)-Lysergic acid total synthesis

    Thanks for the honest advice man, a noob chemist like me should stick to importing it until I have acquired some more experience😀
  10. V€ctor Company

    (+)-Lysergic acid total synthesis

    If I follow this synthesis and complete it, can I start blotting this onto my sheet to produce 200-300ug tabs or do I need to follow William dampiers synthesis (link below) to have LSD I can start blotting onto the papers. William dampiers synthesis...
  11. V€ctor Company

    what are the best lap-top for opsec?

    It honestly does not matter what laptop you can get as long as it can run tails or any other encrypted operating system such as whonix, qubes etc. Chromebooks can run tails and as another user said, they are *****ing cheap and you can chuck them away if you need to but of you use tails or run...
  12. V€ctor Company

    Converting Crypto To Accesible Cash?

    I know an extremely efficient way to convert crypto to cash in the UK and most of the countries in the EU. Buy a PO box (your home address or a drop is fine but a lot less anonymous) and go onto . Select your country and select "cash my mail" and click on "sell." You will find...
  13. V€ctor Company

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    A lot of the threads explain how I can do "ephedrine synthesis" but I cannot tell whether I will get natural ephedrine like you said to produce dextro-methamphetamine.
  14. V€ctor Company

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    Is there a chemical synthesis on the forum which allows me to produce natural ephedrine?
  15. V€ctor Company

    aaronstevens (valentino cartel)

    I don't know whether anyone else had sensed this but I have feeling someone else had taken over this business with force, the way the recent orders have been super disorganized such as "what was your order again?" Which is what one of the other users got as a reply shows that the manager...
  16. V€ctor Company

    Methamphetamine from ephedrine tablets

    I have heard that when you synthesise methamphetamine from ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, you end up with dextro-methamphetamine instead of racemic methamphetamine without having to separate the isomers, is this true? I was told that you only need to separate the isomers for...
  17. V€ctor Company

    aaronstevens (valentino cartel)

    Is aaron still doing deals now and replying to people right now?
  18. V€ctor Company

    One-pot Amphetamine Synthesis From P2NP With NaBH4/CuCl2 (1kg scale)

    Thank you so much for the help guys, much appreciated
  19. V€ctor Company

    One-pot Amphetamine Synthesis From P2NP With NaBH4/CuCl2 (1kg scale)

    Sorry, I have another noob chemist question😀 What purity does the acetone and sulfuric acid need to be? I know a hardware store in my town which sells this extremely high purity sulfuric acid, let's say the purity of the sulfuric acid for this synthesis has to be 50%, could I just dilute the...