Search results

  1. Dr.Mirakulix

    Black tar from opium raw

    Nice! How many poppies did you use? There's a document in which the process of isolating Morphine from raw Opium (and also further processing and refinement to get pretty high percentage Heroin) as it's done by Afghani poppy farmers is documented and explained very well. I haven't tried it...
  2. Dr.Mirakulix

    Need informations on NEP

    My last consume was a few years ago, but I can remember this substance quite vividly: Effects: Physical and mental stimulation (comparable to amphetamines) , enhanced music appreciation, ego boost and strong euphoria similar to cocaine in nature of effects, but also very light empathogenic...
  3. Dr.Mirakulix

    Trustable TDP Tablet Die Sellers

    This shop seems to have a nice and big selection of both die stamps and different kinds of tablet presses. 💊 The prices seem fair, too. But I don't know if they're safe and trusted. I found them on reddit and it seemed they're legit. Maybe someone has already made experience with them or at...
  4. Dr.Mirakulix

    Can I use this for acetylations?

    Thank you for your reply! In search for more information about this reaction, I found some reports of people sucsessfully using Glacial acetic acid with Natrium acetate as catalyst to form 6-MAM from morphine in another forum. I want to experimentally try out this Route, but I was wondering and...
  5. Dr.Mirakulix

    Can I use this for acetylations?

    Hello and thank you for the clarification! So basically that means I have to use what I can get here and (this was my original plan) go for synthesizing 6-MAM with Glacial acetic acid. About the catalyst: Do you know if one could use any alternative catalyst instead of sulfuric acid (maybe HCl...
  6. Dr.Mirakulix

    Can I use this for acetylations?

    Hello and thanks for your reply! Oh that's sad. I guessed it had to be anhydride because it's 100% pure but that seems to be an error in my thinking. I thought 99% = GAA, 100% = AA? Yes I wanted to acetylate morphine (morphine base extract to be completely precise). Thank you for the Tipp! I...
  7. Dr.Mirakulix

    Can I use this for acetylations?

    Hello folks, I'm in need for an acetylation agent, acetic anhydride to be precise (I don't want to mess atound with unnecessarily toxic stuff like acetyl chloride). Anyways, while looking around I found this product (and only this product): (The title says 'Acetic acid 100%' in German) Is...
  8. Dr.Mirakulix

    Whats the most interesting Drug no one talks about ?

    @BevItUp @UWe9o12jkied91d Sadly both the original Aminorex and it's RC derivatives (4,4-DMAR, 4-MAR and it's 4-halogenated versions) are notorious for being responsible for many deaths even among casual users. Especially repeated and prolonged use seems to be dangerous. This isn't some kind of...
  9. Dr.Mirakulix

    Psuedo or Ephid

    Looking for a vendor 
    Sadly only can do that if you have years of time to wait until you can start producing . 😟😄 Ephedra grows terribly slowly, it can take several year until a plant is big enough to harvest anything.😕
  10. Dr.Mirakulix

    The best way to get benefits of epinephrine

    Epinephrine = adrenaline =/= Ephedrine, sadly There's not much recreational worth to it, you could use it in case of an allergical shock or a heart failure. Oxidation to adrenochrome could be possible, although I doubt this has any more value than the epinephrine itself.
  11. Dr.Mirakulix

    Cutting potent opioids without hotspots?

    Hello my friend, unfortunately I don't have experience in laying Benzo on blotter. But I know a gut who does. He uses the same technique one would use with Acid blotters with rather pleasing results. He does it with Bretazenil and Rilmazafone though, I'm not too sure about Bromazolam. Hope...
  12. Dr.Mirakulix


    They do contain some (slightly toxic) alkaloids, but none of the opium alkaloids. I wouldn't advise consuming them as they don't have much desirable effects. Nevertheless, there are some legal and uncontrolled poppies beside p. somniferum that contain psychoactive substances (e.g. california...
  13. Dr.Mirakulix


    You can smoke BTH in the same way that you would use with 'classic' opium. In other words, don't burn but rather evaporate it in one way or another. :)
  14. Dr.Mirakulix


    Hello my friend! I'll have to wait about 1-2 more months to try it out until my plants have flowered ... :unsure: But I'll for sure try out the recipe on a part of my opium yield and keep you updated! :) And I'll also post some photos of the process in here
  15. Dr.Mirakulix

    Cutting potent opioids without hotspots?

    0,3 g pure Heroin sounds like way to much, especially for a first time User. Maybe 0,3 g street Heroin was meant. That seems more reasonable, if you assume an average purity of 5-10% and 15-30 mg Diacetylmorphine per 0,3g "serving". But even then, I wouldn't advise this dosage to anyone...
  16. Dr.Mirakulix

    Cutting potent opioids without hotspots?

    Good questions that you're asking! I forgot to specify some details-my fault! This is extremely important when handling super potent substances. For the cutting agent: The best thing for most situations is Mannitol mixed with 0,5% Silicium dioxide. It has very good flowing characteristics, is...
  17. Dr.Mirakulix

    Cutting potent opioids without hotspots?

    To avoid hotspots (basically with every potent substance, not only usable with opioids), mix it in a mortar with proportionally amounts of the cutting agents. For example, if you want to cut Metonitazene in a 1:1000 proportion for easier dosage, weigh up 1 mg Metonitazene and 1000 mg cutting...
  18. Dr.Mirakulix

    Crude Opium refinement

    Hello folks! I searched the whole Web about this topic and just found contradicting information about it. Does anyone here have experience refining/converting crude raw opium to smokable opium /Chandoo? I'm especially curious about fermentation. I just can't believe that it's necessary to treat...
  19. Dr.Mirakulix

    How to start making money without money

    Dead Drops Post Delivery 
    Where can one sign up for the synthesis kit? This sounds almost too good to be true!
  20. Dr.Mirakulix


    Would the same tek be succesful if you used glacial acetic acid acid instead if benzoic acid to form black tar containing 6-MAM? Does anyone know if and how the acid reacts with the other opium alkaloids aside from morphine? I read that Diacetylcodeine is kinda more toxic than related compounds...