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  1. M

    Quale droga è migliore per il sonno

    I made a long comment about some non-common, non benzos sleep aid few months ago. Maybe you an find some interesting hints. See /threads/suggest-me-a-downer.10724/post-58614
  2. M

    Caffeine raw powder - Where to buy ?

    nowdays they scam you even of buying caffeine powder yes :alien:
  3. M

    Caffeine raw powder - Where to buy ?

    I had to switch to Mannitol after I ran out of my Caffeine to smoke opioids. I used to buy it from a company doing supplements. All the other ones I tried or bought online, had always whatever excipients or other dietary stuff inside with a shitty taste. But yeah could be on amazon/ebay there is...
  4. M

    Fentanyl Synthesis

    In my humble opinion, leaving aside now all the politics, the ***** up of govs, the hate/terror campaign, and the reason fent became the scape-goal for the greed of vendors who got no clues what they are selling, they don't give a shit about the scene improvement, neither that their customers...
  5. M

    Comparison between synthetic opioids

    Hi there, do you mean papers about Fentalogues potencies in human? Or Zenes? (lot of new papers public and private released in the last 2 years) - regarding the new classes of strong opoids that have been publicly released (next one occuring very soon), we can have a talk via PMs/ safer comms...
  6. M

    Suggest me a downer!

    Interesting.. what is the reasons you would prefer this one over Temazepam, or over Triazolam? Do you have any detailed information about using the right amount of Pregabalin as ""potentiator"" for benzos?
  7. M

    Comparison between synthetic opioids

    Table is not correct.. only very few fentalogues are properly studied from medicine, since during the golden age, as soon as a good one was found, other companies just used the same name to sell more products - that's why there are so different opinions between users and various papers. Acetyl-F...
  8. M


    I'd love to taste Diacetyl-N-Phenethylnormorphine ;)
  9. M

    Free Sample Recieved (South Africa)

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Color of 4-mmc is not relevant with purity. I got a yellowish-almost-brown delicious cats piss smell that on 3 lab tests resulted to range between 97 and 98% purity
  10. M

    Most potent opioids

    it's funny how the terror campaign in USA caused so much fear even in Opioid users about the insanity of the potency of some compounds and believing in such analgesic potency comparison. First of all Car-F in Humans is nowhere near 10'000x but, really at best best efforts, 1750x. Additional...
  11. M

    Has anyone synthesized methoxetamine (MXE) ?

    Following the logic it was pure coincidence unrelated to groups working together or against, the crisis got solved and 4-mmc respawned like a phoenix! with mxe how many years before the next lunar's cycle? extra win if you can predict the next tone : _ _ _ _ (only a-z and numbers allowed, no -)
  12. M

    Suggest me a downer!

    I am in the same situation but not because they are not effective, i've another type of sleep disorder. I'm opioid addicted, and not even strong opioids (where in the last years 99% are just Zenes that is a terribad class, very high analgesic potency with most of them flat euphoria and no warm...
  13. M

    Free Sample Recieved (South Africa)

    Question Looking for a vendor 
    Is it Madre a new alias from CC or a different chemist?
  14. M

    Whats the most interesting Drug no one talks about ?

    Thank you for your info! Yeah, it could be I don't remember exactly which number was written on the bags containing such RCs.. ;) Just a small, little number could make definitely a big difference! then probably I had the 2c-t-2. I think I even took a larger dosage because I was not feeling any...
  15. M

    Whats the most interesting Drug no one talks about ?

    2-c-t-7? There was a short time in my country where RCs were made legal (less than 6 months) and small store opened. I remember the 2-c-t-2, 7, etc etc and other obscure compounds names. But I'm not really sure those shops where they were supplying from (probably Lizard? It was more than 20...
  16. M

    4-MMC Mephedrone, Tryptamine, and Disso Manufacturer

    Looking for a vendor 
    Tak, mój przyjacielu, rozumiem dobrze, że takie duże ryzyko cię zniechęca! Dlatego też w moich ostatnich komentarzach dałem ci radę, jak stać się bogatym bez takich ryzyk i uratować kontynent! Powinieneś używać OpenAI w taki sposób, abyś mógł łatwo tłumaczyć na angielski, a my również dobrze się...
  17. M

    Reliable vendor of Mephedrone from Europe?

    Yes I verified and you are right, if you are in PL shipping outside is not easy. But you can always pay somebody living in a nearby country to bring it outside PL, or you can ask a foreigner / somebody living in another country to come to PL and go in post shipping it, of course you need some...
  18. M

    4-MMC Mephedrone, Tryptamine, and Disso Manufacturer

    Looking for a vendor 
    Then if you like money, why not doing it and sell to all EU/USA customers carving for it? As I said, in US it's sold for 100 usd/g, and in EU depending the country, 50 EUR to 120 EUR / G. If you can make 1kg with 300 EUR, worst case you will earn 50'000 EUR, best case 120'000 EUR out of 300...
  19. M

    4-MMC Mephedrone, Tryptamine, and Disso Manufacturer

    Looking for a vendor 
    It was not like this few years ago. The problem as I said, when a non-mainstream drug become trendy again - after few legit small vendor spreads, the whales take over and they do not really care if it's real 4-mmc or analogues. Same happened with A-PVP, then with MXE, and basically with any...
  20. M

    4-MMC Mephedrone, Tryptamine, and Disso Manufacturer

    Looking for a vendor 
    ??? Nice joke, finding 4-MMC (4-methylmethcathinone) from china.. The RC vendors from china even burn the stash left as soon as a compound get banned - not only they risk to have their business shut down, but to (literally) loose their head. For sure there are anyway underground vendors (mostly...