Try doing a test run of amalgam on a small amount and you will see. It is usual to take a little more chloride than nitrate.
But it is not always necessary that the reaction of the mercury salt be very active, many people prefer to put less mercury salt so that the reaction is calmer. It all...
Explain how you obtained 30 mL of a 1.5% solution of mercury. This is very similar to dissolving metallic mercury in nitric acid. And it's too much for 10 g of aluminum.
If you were planning to put aluminum foil in a flask, pour in water, and add a solution of mercury nitrate, you can't store...
- A little NaCl can be added to separate the layers more clearly.
- Propyl acetate or butyl acetate can be used, but try to synthesize a small amount first. The reaction may go, but you may not be able to extract the product or it will have an unpleasant odor. If I'm not mistaken, someone has...
That's right, in order for all of the 2-bromovalerophenone to be guaranteed to react, a 2nd excess of pyrrolidine is taken, and in some cases a 3rd excess.
The video shows the method of synthesis that the chemist chose. You can make your own video about how you obtained 100 kg of methcathinone. Show it to us so that we can evaluate your method.
Methcathinone is a precursor to ephedrine. This is generating a certain amount of interest in it.
Methcathinone is well distributed in African countries, and perhaps Africans could benefit from this synthesis. We are happy to help if anyone has any questions about the synthesis.
The syntheses of...
Watch the video carefully. You don't understand the process well enough.
What is a red-green base?
Why do you need more DCM?
When acidified, methcathinone dissolves immediately in water.
Byproducts that affect color are quite common in synthesis. That doesn't make the synthesis a failure. It can...