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  • hi i red that you were making a lot of money selling RC , can i ask you how do you do that how did you started and what RC is, cheers mate
    I am in the USA and at the time there was a massive flood of synthetic RC's from china. I made close to 1 million dollars in a year. Was never caught.

    Doing something like that now a days is probably not possible. I would just start looking into the legal high scene if I were you.
    "I would just start looking into the legal high scene" could you tell me more, if you have suggestion how to move, how to be anonymous as possible, tricks etc...
    what would you do if you were to start all over again today...
    appreciate it
    I would just start looking into the legal high scene" could you tell me more, if you have suggestion how to move, how to be anonymous as possible, tricks etc...
    what would you do if you were to start all over again today...
    appreciate it

    can you help me sir
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