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Methamphetamine Birch Synthesis
This is technically correct and will make a really dirty product with a bunch of side chain reactions. While we where able to do this back in 2004, these days might be different with the formulations these days on pills in the USA. A much preferred method was to clean the P-PHED from all the GAK in the pills. The cleaner th P-PHED, the better quality of Meth came out. Also, MUCH better to make Anhydrous Ammonia and do a reaction with AA, P-PHED and Lithium strips. Once we were cut off from just stealing AA from pickle farms etc, we learned how to react ammonium sulphate with NaOh and condense the gas using aluminum coil in acetone and dry ice to get a significant amount of Anhydrous Ammonia. From about 2002 to 2007, I must have made hundreds of pounds in the county adjacent to the county that released this vid. I got caught and did my time (10 years} and am retired.
I certainly saw some techniques I've never seen before. Like spraying the cans out upside down and then using a can opener on the bottom, not separating the heptane from the ether, just dumping 2 cans in.
When the bottle is that full and liquid doesn't compress, it doesn't take a lot of gas to reach 100 psi. It might not even have to because the ammonia dissolves in ether and ether is the solvent and lithium and ammonia are the reactants. He didn't even attempt to cool it
Anyone have quantities for this procedure?
5 boxes of (12000 mg) pills. 3/4 cup of ammonium anion( nitrate I thought ) 2 cans of starter fluid, 1 battery of lithium (1g). This is what I was saying to myself last week or whenever I watched it. Thats what I saw. You can easily calculate the hydroxide from the ammonium . I think I'm going to go ahead and blow myself up with this one , so I paid close attention 🤡 ( but I'm going to do 2 boxes in a 1 liter bottle, a 40% er)
5 boxes of (12000 mg) pills. 3/4 cup of ammonium anion( nitrate I thought ) 2 cans of starter fluid, 1 battery of lithium (1g). This is what I was saying to myself last week or whenever I watched it. Thats what I saw. You can easily calculate the hydroxide from the ammonium . I think I'm going to go ahead and blow myself up with this one , so I paid close attention 🤡 ( but I'm going to do 2 boxes in a 1 liter bottle, a 40% er)
When I was running this reaction, I did 7 grams of p-phed per battery.
Shake and bake I used to use ammonium sulfate. because I could get a 40 pound bag for 10 bucks. I would sift it to get clean looking sulfate. I was running them in milk jugs and doing like 4 or 5 at a time. I used quite a bit more than 3/4 cup but with nitrate, I'm sure you don't need as much. sometimes this would produce really, really good stuff. sometimes it was a dud. the first one I made was incredible and of course I never had another one as good.
If you got the balls to do it, creating the anhydrous ammonia separately and putting in the p phed and lithium in straight anhydrous ammonia works alot better and more consistent product. you need the great outdoors to do that though. plus aluminum condenser coils with acetone and dry ice.withrunning the full pill without extraction, I could only do 2 ozat a time or it wouldn't work. no idea why. When would cook a pound, I would have 8 reactions going with 2 oz of active ingredient in each.
Shake n Bake
2x 2-liter bottles (Clean & dry, with lid)
1x 1-liter bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
1x 20oz bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
Approx 18" aquarium tubing
Needle-nosed pliers
Small pipecutter (Or snips) Measuring cups (1/3 and 1 cup size)
Small tupperware container with lid Baggies
Utility knife or razorblade
Coffee filters
1. 1/3 cup (83.3ml) Ammonium Nitrate (Get by cutting open cold packs. It's the little white balls. Be careful what you buy, some cold packs are ammonium nitrate-free. Other materials can be used, but we're going to do it this way.)

2. 1/2 cup (125ml) 100% Lye (aka Sodium Hydroxide. Available at hardware stores in the drain cleaner section. - Drano Crystals, or any other powdered lye works)

3. 3 cups (750ml) Coleman Camp Fuel (Engine starting fluid [diethyl ether], or VM&P naphtha can also be used)

4. 3x Lithium strips (Get by cutting open Energizer AA Lithium batteries - This YOUTUBE tutorial video shows EXACTLY how to get your Lithium strips)

5. 100ml NP solvent of your choice (Xylene or MEK is recommended - easily found at your local hardware store in the paint section)

6. 3-4 boxes 120mg 12-hour pseudoephedrine HCl (PSE). The highest count you can find. (Sudafed or a generic equivalent. MAKE SURE PSE IS THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT.)

7. about 1/3 cup iodized salt 8. 4 capfuls sulfuric acid (Available as liquid drain cleaner.) OR muriatic acid (Also sold at hardware stores)

9. Denatured alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol

10. 1/8 cup of distilled water (Poland Spring or any bottled water can also be used)
1 cup250 ml
3/4 cup190 ml
2/3 cup170 ml
1/2 cup125 ml
1/3 cup80 ml
1/4 cup60 ml
1. Take the 20oz lid and cut a hole in it big enough to fit the aquarium tubing. It should be snug.

2. Cut one of the 2-liters in half. Discard the top.

3. Crush the pills into a fine powder. Use a coffee grinder, blender, or if worse comes to worse, hand crush them with a pair of pliers or something. Put the powder into a baggie. The beauty of "shake n bake" is you don't have to clean your pills to extract PSE. Just crush and toss in!

4. Measure out and crush the ammonium nitrate (optional). If it is dry enough, go ahead and crush it. Not important that you do this, though. It helps ensure even cooking, but is not imperative. Put it in a baggie.

5. Measure out the lye. Be careful not to touch this stuff. It eats anything organic (YOU) and also reacts with metal. Put in a baggie.

6. Measure out the Coleman fuel or Naphtha. Put it into the 1-liter.

7. Cut open the batteries. You must do this quickly because lithium reacts with moisture in air and will become hot, possibly catching fire if it is very humid outside. Use the pipecutter to cut the outer housing of the battery. Use the needle nosed pliers to peel down the housing to expose the strip. There will be a black strip in between 2 pieces of paper. This is the one you want. BE CAREFUL. LITHIUM STRIPS MAKE A SPARK WHEN THEY COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL.

DO NOT TOUCH THE STRIP WITH YOUR BARE HANDS IF YOU CAN AVOID IT. DO NOT GET IT WET!!!!! Once you get the strip out of the battery, it can be stored in denatured alcohol, and will no longer react with air as long as it is capped. Lithium strips burn VIOLENTLY when they come into contact with water. Be CAREFUL!!
1. Pour the ammonium nitrate into the 2-liter bottle (the one you didnt cut in half).

2. Add pills. Shake up to mix them together.

3. Add your 100ml Xylene or MEK solvent

At this point, you will see the ingredients starting to react, it will produce bubbles in the bottom.

4. Add the lithium strips. Take them out of the denatured alcohol, tear them into smaller pieces, and add them to the mixture.

5. Add your lye MAKING SURE to cover your Lithium strips.

6. Add the 1/4 cup of water. The water kicks off the reaction, but YOU MUST GET THE CAP ON IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADDING THE WATER. Remember Lithium reacts intensely with water and is potentially dangerous. The lithium-water reaction at normal temperatures is brisk but not violent, though the hydrogen produced can ignite. Do not add the water if your Lithium has not been buried and is UNDER YOUR LYE.

7. Add the Coleman fuel or Naphtha to this mixture.

The mixture will be rolling now (it will look like it's boiling real hard). NOW THIS IS THE TRICKY AND MOST IMPORTANT PART: The reaction builds up necessary pressure inside the bottle, don't worry - you will need to let this react WITH THE CAP ON for at least 2 minutes. Let the Lithium do it's thing for a full 120 seconds. Venting or releasing pressure within the first 2-3 minutes will greatly affect your final yield. After 2 or 3 minutes you will see the Lithium starting to get smaller, shriveling up into small Bronze foil looking balls with holes throughout. This is when you MUST VENT by slightly unscrewing the cap to release the gas.


You can gently swirl (not shake!) the bottle side-to-side if you want, you don't have to. Swirling can only help the reaction.

Be careful! The gas coming out of the bottle is straight ammonia. Do not breathe it and keep it away from your eyes. AVOID KEEPING THE CAP OFF OR VENTING THE BOTTLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

You may have to add more lye throughout the process to keep the mixture rolling. Once every 20 mins or so. You may not have to, though. If you do, add about half of the amount as in the beginning, and do it quickly.

For at least 45 minutes keep venting and swirling the mixture until it stops rolling and you have hard whitish balls (called bones) in the bottom of the bottle. This is a signal that the reaction is over. Let the contents react until you notice the whitish balls - sometimes will take 1-2 hours. Put a cotton ball in the funnel hole and 2 coffee filters over and filter the liquid into the 2-liter (the one you cut in half). Dispose of the trash accordingly. Use caution, the bottle and trash are noticeable waste items. Try to dispose of it in different locations. The trash can still be fingerprinted. USE YOUR HEAD.
Now that the dangerous part is over, on to the DOPE!

All ready smelling success? wait and see.

****This is a smelly and violent process so you should do it outside if possible.****

**WARNING** ***HCl GAS IS NASTY STUFF AND WILL RUST ANYTHING IN SIGHT! Make sure your tubing is completely airtight because you do not want leaks!****

Take the 20oz bottle and put about 1/3 cup salt in it. Add 4 capfuls of sulfuric acid (or muriatic acid) and put on the lid you made with the aquarium tubing. Make sure it's tight. This is your gassing gizmo. Put the end of the hose just under the surface of the liquid and squeeze the gas into it. You will see the meth dropping or "snowing" to the bottom of the liquid. Such a beautiful sight. Pull out the hose and let the 20oz fill back up with gas again.

Repeat this until the meth stops dropping as much. Filter the powder out of the liquid. This process is known as a 'pull'. After the dope is filtered, you can do up to 3 more pulls from the same liquid. Usually the second pull is the best (most product, highest quality). You will have to re-mix the salt and sulfuric acid in the 20oz using fresh ingredients, because it won't last long. Make sure not to suck up any of the liquid into the 20oz, or you will have to make a new one. The gas inside the 20oz is a bad little dude itself, so use a twist tie or a rubber band to keep the tube closed (fold it in half and tie it).

That's it. Let the meth dry on the filters, sc***** it off, and voila. You can even use the filters in drinks to get high. The highest the dinosaur's ever been is off filters.

Note: Rinsing your meth with DRY ACETONE (dry your acetone by baking Epsom Salts at 400f for 4 hours, pour the baked epsom salts into your acetone container and let sit overnight) If your meth burns leaving residue in your pipe and tastes nasty, a dual solvent recrystallization is highly recommended.
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ephedrine is not available in my country :( lucky you, americans
It's the most highly regulated non- prescription drug there is. You have to show I'd and it's behind the counter and they track it. A person could technically get up to 9000mg (9 grams) a month, but you can only buy 2500 mg at a time, and you don't have to buy 9 grams for Law enforcement to harass you. They can look at any pharmacies records anytime, in any place they have jurisdiction. They could hassle you over 1 box of 10 120mg pills if they think you look suspicious .
Since you are reducing pseudoephedrine, meth weighs 91% as much so you lose 9% in a perfect world but in the world I'm from you are killing it if you achieve 80%. Add the 2 and 70% is doing amazing So... that's 1428mg to get 1000 mg back
When I was running this reaction, I did 7 grams of p-phed per battery.
Shake and bake I used to use ammonium sulfate. because I could get a 40 pound bag for 10 bucks. I would sift it to get clean looking sulfate. I was running them in milk jugs and doing like 4 or 5 at a time. I used quite a bit more than 3/4 cup but with nitrate, I'm sure you don't need as much. sometimes this would produce really, really good stuff. sometimes it was a dud. the first one I made was incredible and of course I never had another one as good.
If you got the balls to do it, creating the anhydrous ammonia separately and putting in the p phed and lithium in straight anhydrous ammonia works alot better and more consistent product. you need the great outdoors to do that though. plus aluminum condenser coils with acetone and dry ice.withrunning the full pill without extraction, I could only do 2 ozat a time or it wouldn't work. no idea why. When would cook a pound, I would have 8 reactions going with 2 oz of active ingredient in each.
Could you tell me how to create pure anhydrous ammonia separately? Do you have any idea how to extract the complete pills?
Shake n Bake
2x 2-liter bottles (Clean & dry, with lid)
1x 1-liter bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
1x 20oz bottle (Clean & dry, with lid)
Approx 18" aquarium tubing
Needle-nosed pliers
Small pipecutter (Or snips) Measuring cups (1/3 and 1 cup size)
Small tupperware container with lid Baggies
Utility knife or razorblade
Coffee filters
1. 1/3 cup (83.3ml) Ammonium Nitrate (Get by cutting open cold packs. It's the little white balls. Be careful what you buy, some cold packs are ammonium nitrate-free. Other materials can be used, but we're going to do it this way.)

2. 1/2 cup (125ml) 100% Lye (aka Sodium Hydroxide. Available at hardware stores in the drain cleaner section. - Drano Crystals, or any other powdered lye works)

3. 3 cups (750ml) Coleman Camp Fuel (Engine starting fluid [diethyl ether], or VM&P naphtha can also be used)

4. 3x Lithium strips (Get by cutting open Energizer AA Lithium batteries - This YOUTUBE tutorial video shows EXACTLY how to get your Lithium strips)

5. 100ml NP solvent of your choice (Xylene or MEK is recommended - easily found at your local hardware store in the paint section)

6. 3-4 boxes 120mg 12-hour pseudoephedrine HCl (PSE). The highest count you can find. (Sudafed or a generic equivalent. MAKE SURE PSE IS THE ONLY ACTIVE INGREDIENT.)

7. about 1/3 cup iodized salt 8. 4 capfuls sulfuric acid (Available as liquid drain cleaner.) OR muriatic acid (Also sold at hardware stores)

9. Denatured alcohol or Isopropyl alcohol

10. 1/8 cup of distilled water (Poland Spring or any bottled water can also be used)
1 cup250 ml
3/4 cup190 ml
2/3 cup170 ml
1/2 cup125 ml
1/3 cup80 ml
1/4 cup60 ml
1. Take the 20oz lid and cut a hole in it big enough to fit the aquarium tubing. It should be snug.

2. Cut one of the 2-liters in half. Discard the top.

3. Crush the pills into a fine powder. Use a coffee grinder, blender, or if worse comes to worse, hand crush them with a pair of pliers or something. Put the powder into a baggie. The beauty of "shake n bake" is you don't have to clean your pills to extract PSE. Just crush and toss in!

4. Measure out and crush the ammonium nitrate (optional). If it is dry enough, go ahead and crush it. Not important that you do this, though. It helps ensure even cooking, but is not imperative. Put it in a baggie.

5. Measure out the lye. Be careful not to touch this stuff. It eats anything organic (YOU) and also reacts with metal. Put in a baggie.

6. Measure out the Coleman fuel or Naphtha. Put it into the 1-liter.

7. Cut open the batteries. You must do this quickly because lithium reacts with moisture in air and will become hot, possibly catching fire if it is very humid outside. Use the pipecutter to cut the outer housing of the battery. Use the needle nosed pliers to peel down the housing to expose the strip. There will be a black strip in between 2 pieces of paper. This is the one you want. BE CAREFUL. LITHIUM STRIPS MAKE A SPARK WHEN THEY COME INTO CONTACT WITH METAL.

DO NOT TOUCH THE STRIP WITH YOUR BARE HANDS IF YOU CAN AVOID IT. DO NOT GET IT WET!!!!! Once you get the strip out of the battery, it can be stored in denatured alcohol, and will no longer react with air as long as it is capped. Lithium strips burn VIOLENTLY when they come into contact with water. Be CAREFUL!!
1. Pour the ammonium nitrate into the 2-liter bottle (the one you didnt cut in half).

2. Add pills. Shake up to mix them together.

3. Add your 100ml Xylene or MEK solvent

At this point, you will see the ingredients starting to react, it will produce bubbles in the bottom.

4. Add the lithium strips. Take them out of the denatured alcohol, tear them into smaller pieces, and add them to the mixture.

5. Add your lye MAKING SURE to cover your Lithium strips.

6. Add the 1/4 cup of water. The water kicks off the reaction, but YOU MUST GET THE CAP ON IMMEDIATELY AFTER ADDING THE WATER. Remember Lithium reacts intensely with water and is potentially dangerous. The lithium-water reaction at normal temperatures is brisk but not violent, though the hydrogen produced can ignite. Do not add the water if your Lithium has not been buried and is UNDER YOUR LYE.

7. Add the Coleman fuel or Naphtha to this mixture.

The mixture will be rolling now (it will look like it's boiling real hard). NOW THIS IS THE TRICKY AND MOST IMPORTANT PART: The reaction builds up necessary pressure inside the bottle, don't worry - you will need to let this react WITH THE CAP ON for at least 2 minutes. Let the Lithium do it's thing for a full 120 seconds. Venting or releasing pressure within the first 2-3 minutes will greatly affect your final yield. After 2 or 3 minutes you will see the Lithium starting to get smaller, shriveling up into small Bronze foil looking balls with holes throughout. This is when you MUST VENT by slightly unscrewing the cap to release the gas.


You can gently swirl (not shake!) the bottle side-to-side if you want, you don't have to. Swirling can only help the reaction.

Be careful! The gas coming out of the bottle is straight ammonia. Do not breathe it and keep it away from your eyes. AVOID KEEPING THE CAP OFF OR VENTING THE BOTTLE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

You may have to add more lye throughout the process to keep the mixture rolling. Once every 20 mins or so. You may not have to, though. If you do, add about half of the amount as in the beginning, and do it quickly.

For at least 45 minutes keep venting and swirling the mixture until it stops rolling and you have hard whitish balls (called bones) in the bottom of the bottle. This is a signal that the reaction is over. Let the contents react until you notice the whitish balls - sometimes will take 1-2 hours. Put a cotton ball in the funnel hole and 2 coffee filters over and filter the liquid into the 2-liter (the one you cut in half). Dispose of the trash accordingly. Use caution, the bottle and trash are noticeable waste items. Try to dispose of it in different locations. The trash can still be fingerprinted. USE YOUR HEAD.
Now that the dangerous part is over, on to the DOPE!

All ready smelling success? wait and see.

****This is a smelly and violent process so you should do it outside if possible.****

**WARNING** ***HCl GAS IS NASTY STUFF AND WILL RUST ANYTHING IN SIGHT! Make sure your tubing is completely airtight because you do not want leaks!****

Take the 20oz bottle and put about 1/3 cup salt in it. Add 4 capfuls of sulfuric acid (or muriatic acid) and put on the lid you made with the aquarium tubing. Make sure it's tight. This is your gassing gizmo. Put the end of the hose just under the surface of the liquid and squeeze the gas into it. You will see the meth dropping or "snowing" to the bottom of the liquid. Such a beautiful sight. Pull out the hose and let the 20oz fill back up with gas again.

Repeat this until the meth stops dropping as much. Filter the powder out of the liquid. This process is known as a 'pull'. After the dope is filtered, you can do up to 3 more pulls from the same liquid. Usually the second pull is the best (most product, highest quality). You will have to re-mix the salt and sulfuric acid in the 20oz using fresh ingredients, because it won't last long. Make sure not to suck up any of the liquid into the 20oz, or you will have to make a new one. The gas inside the 20oz is a bad little dude itself, so use a twist tie or a rubber band to keep the tube closed (fold it in half and tie it).

That's it. Let the meth dry on the filters, sc***** it off, and voila. You can even use the filters in drinks to get high. The highest the dinosaur's ever been is off filters.

Note: Rinsing your meth with DRY ACETONE (dry your acetone by baking Epsom Salts at 400f for 4 hours, pour the baked epsom salts into your acetone container and let sit overnight) If your meth burns leaving residue in your pipe and tastes nasty, a dual solvent recrystallization is highly recommended.
Do you know what the yield should roughly be? With these measurements?
Could you tell me how to create pure anhydrous ammonia separately? Do you have any idea how to extract the complete pills?
I made anhydrous ammonia by taking a propane tank and unscrewing the valve and removing it. can't use anything with copper, and the valve is brass. the tank size is 30lb? about the size as a 5 gallon bucket
Clean out tank thoroughly and fill it about a thid full with ammonium sulfate. add a kilo or more of sodium hydroxide . have all other preparations done first. they include:
Could you tell me how to create pure anhydrous ammonia separately? Do you have any idea how to extract the complete pills?

Could you tell me how to create pure anhydrous ammonia separately? Do you have any idea how to extract the complete pills?
Fitting the tank with stainless steel or aluminum valve. iron will work if no other choice. make a condensing unit consisting of. small diameter aluminum coils. the back of refrigerators usually have sme nice soft ones. Epoxy coil through bottom of small bucket so the coils are inside bucket and end of coil pokes through the bottom of bucket. use a plastic bucket. metal ones get too cold
Clean out tank thoroughly and fill it about a thid full with ammonium sulfate. add a kilo or more of sodium hydroxide . have all other preparations done first. they include:

Fitting the tank with stainless steel or aluminum valve. iron will work if no other choice. make a condensing unit consisting of. small diameter aluminum coils. the back of refrigerators usually have sme nice soft ones. Epoxy coil through bottom of small bucket so the coils are inside bucket and end of coil pokes through the bottom of bucket. use a plastic bucket. metal ones get too cold
Adapt the valve comming out of the propane tank down to the size of the coil and attach a 2 liter soda bottle to the aluminum coils coming out of your condensing unit. fill bucket with aluminum coil with dry ice and acetone.
Adapt the valve comming out of the propane tank down to the size of the coil and attach a 2 liter soda bottle to the aluminum coils coming out of your condensing unit. fill bucket with aluminum coil with dry ice and acetone.
At this point you are almost ready to run the reaction. understand that anhydrous ammonia is some vicious shit. it will fill a room in a matter of nano seconds. if you breathe it in, it will feel like you are going to die. I imagine it's what waterboarding feels can only exhale and your lungs will not let you breathe in. and it feels like forever until you can. I'm am sure it can lead to death. I have been convinced on a few occasions that it was over for me
Wear a respirator, set up powerful fans/airflow. do it outside is preferable. at least you can escape the cloud if it's done outside.
Oh, and it will make 10 city blocks smell like cat piss. I hada method where I vented all the air in my room through a mist making sprayer containing hydrochloric acid that would neutralize the ammonia before vent to outside.
If you work with ammonia, at some point you will get a lungful. hopefully not fatal. I have breathed it a dozen times or more from shifting winds, etc.
One last note on prep. punch a vent hole in your 2 literbottle you will catch the liquid ammonia in so it doesn't pressurize. you need it to evaporate at first so it chills the receiver and collects the ammonia. it only evaporates for a little bit then it will maintain the temp with very little offgsssing.
Now is where you add the ammonium sulfate and the sodium hydroxide to the propane tank. it becomes difficult to add the sodium hydroxide through the little hole of the tank because it starts to react. Just get as much in there as you can, you can always add more later. Follow it up by adding 50 ml of water, and quickly attach your valve. Give it a little Shake and you can start easing open the valve to let the gas get to your condensers. Go very slow at first, until your system stabilizes. Then you can go a little bit more a little bit more increasing volume as much as the condenser will condense. If it starts to lose pressure, you can take a torch to the bottom of the propane tank or set it on a hot plate.
I have made sometimes a full liter using this method
Wow, that is a hell of a process. Im going to have to read that 5 more times ( even though I have seen the picture tutorial at the hive, the same goes for the push/pull. I've read it I understand the theory, but it's overly complicated) We should brainstorm some ther methods. Then again, anhydrous ammonia isn't a requirement for a " birch-like reaction"
Shake and bake works. in my opinion it's not as good of a process. also, I was converting between 4 Oz and 16oz. At a time. every three days during one of my active times. it was a 6 week tour and 2 days before the end...I was setting up the last batch and they raided. got out by the sin of my teeth and cops got everything
Shake and bake works. in my opinion it's not as good of a process. also, I was converting between 4 Oz and 16oz. At a time. every three days during one of my active times. it was a 6 week tour and 2 days before the end...I was setting up the last batch and they raided. got out by the sin of my teeth and cops got everything
Scary shit. I've escaped by the skin of my teeth a few times, but not while doing chemistry. Depending on how you look at it, there are about 5 reactions that reduce phenylethylamines and about 40 different paths. Each has thier advantages and disadvantages. The clear advantage of the shake and bake is how portable it is. I've known people who walked around cooking meth in thier backpack and riding the bus, in a car on a bicycle, anything. You just have to sneak off to purge it, other than that there's no smell because no gas I released. You could take that product and refine it to the point that it is crystal 98%+. Doing that takes a lot more clean up than the product of an actual birch done in a laboratory. An actual birch could produce that product with no or very very little refinement. There's the leuckart, I've never tried because it looks like a hot mess of black junk when your done, and inside that gunk the chili lies, but you have to extract it
Metal catalyzed reduction
Non-metal catalyzed reduction
🤔 I'm missing at least 1
Scary shit. I've escaped by the skin of my teeth a few times, but not while doing chemistry. Depending on how you look at it, there are about 5 reactions that reduce phenylethylamines and about 40 different paths. Each has thier advantages and disadvantages. The clear advantage of the shake and bake is how portable it is. I've known people who walked around cooking meth in thier backpack and riding the bus, in a car on a bicycle, anything. You just have to sneak off to purge it, other than that there's no smell because no gas I released. You could take that product and refine it to the point that it is crystal 98%+. Doing that takes a lot more clean up than the product of an actual birch done in a laboratory. An actual birch could produce that product with no or very very little refinement. There's the leuckart, I've never tried because it looks like a hot mess of black junk when your done, and inside that gunk the chili lies, but you have to extract it
Metal catalyzed reduction
Non-metal catalyzed reduction
🤔 I'm missing at least 1
Shit I'm missing a bunch
Reductive amination
Reductive alkylation
Schiffs base
Via halogen analog
There's so many paths it broke my brain
Acetone and a plastic bucket trying to produce ammonia will only be tried once. Doing this will make anhydrous ammonia, but it will clog the pipe at the bottom of the bucket, since the temperature changes. Followed by it building pressure and with a 30lb tank, it will produce a lot of pressure until it blows out thru the weakest point. Which will then spray liquid and gaseous ammonia everywhere.
The funny thing though is that studies were done comparing extracted pseudoephedrine pills vs just straight ground up pills in shake and bake, and the extracted pills produced less than just the straight ground up pills thrown in. Why? because the birch reduction is more selective than extraction is. It's not going to react with fillers, it's going to work around them reducing the pseudoephedrine that extraction would miss. Google it, hard concept, I know. But then how to separate the product from the remaining fillers? Crystallization, molecules will joint together when reforming their lattice and any fillers will be off to the side or on the outside.
What's a pickle farm? Besides something made up on Minecraft? Cucumbers are grown, pickles are made from cucumbers.
Incorrect about the 30lb tank. at pressure/ ammonia condensed same as propane. anhydous tanks are tested to 250 psi. and we know how much of that is safety margin. when you look it up, it will show a chart. depending on temp is what pressure it condenses. I didn't have to look it up because it was common practice to use propane tanks to steal and transport it in. everybody did it and the only issue I saw was when they used the brass valve. in a couple weeks, it would start leaking because the ammonia had chewed through the brass
Hello friends....I did this method as in the video and the valuable information you gave, of course, with pure ephedrine chloride. But in the end, instead of crystals, I only got a yellow liquid that collected at the bottom of the tube, I don't know where to do it. I did something wrong.. Has this ever happened to anyone?
Hello friends....I did this method as in the video and the valuable information you gave, of course, with pure ephedrine chloride. But in the end, instead of crystals, I only got a yellow liquid that collected at the bottom of the tube, I don't know where to do it. I did something wrong.. Has this ever happened to anyone?
Perhaps moisture contamination? Before you precipitate your meth after gassing (assuming that was your process) you must dry your meth free base in hydrocarbon solvent solution with anhydrous Mg2SO4 (baked/dry epsom salts) BEFORE you gas. Otherwise over acidification and moisture contamination will dissolve and ruin your product by turning it into a reddish acid at the bottom of your solvent.

This is technically correct and will make a really dirty product with a bunch of side chain reactions. While we where able to do this back in 2004, these days might be different with the formulations these days on pills in the USA. A much preferred method was to clean the P-PHED from all the GAK in the pills. The cleaner th P-PHED, the better quality of Meth came out. Also, MUCH better to make Anhydrous Ammonia and do a reaction with AA, P-PHED and Lithium strips. Once we were cut off from just stealing AA from pickle farms etc, we learned how to react ammonium sulphate with NaOh and condense the gas using aluminum coil in acetone and dry ice to get a significant amount of Anhydrous Ammonia. From about 2002 to 2007, I must have made hundreds of pounds in the county adjacent to the county that released this vid. I got caught and did my time (10 years} and am retired.
Hi I am a newcomer need to help your professors.
Crystal crystalline masters dissolve hydrochloride methamphetamamine or ice in chlorinated acid Is Crystal Matt Crystal reinforced?
Is there a recipe to help m
Hi I am a newcomer need to help your professors.
Crystal crystalline masters dissolve hydrochloride methamphetamamine or ice in chlorinated acid Is Crystal Matt Crystal reinforced?
Is there a recipe to help me?
Perhaps moisture contamination? Before you precipitate your meth after gassing (assuming that was your process) you must dry your meth free base in hydrocarbon solvent solution with anhydrous Mg2SO4 (baked/dry epsom salts) BEFORE you gas. Otherwise over acidification and moisture contamination will dissolve and ruin your product by turning it into a reddish acid at the bottom of your solvent.
Late correction: "Before you precipitate your meth after **reactiion, freebasing and extracting with hydrocarbon**
Hi I am a newcomer need to help your professors.
Crystal crystalline masters dissolve hydrochloride methamphetamamine or ice in chlorinated acid Is Crystal Matt Crystal reinforced?
Is there a recipe to help me?
You are not making sense to anybody. I suggest you spend some good hours reading, studying, watching videos and tutorials, etc.
Practice learning to prepare your ingredients for the experiment. Buy products from local stores, figure out how to purify, clean, dry, extract and so on...
this will be good experience and knowledge for later and always...
Welcome to BB and Good luck!
You are not making sense to anybody. I suggest you spend some good hours reading, studying, watching videos and tutorials, etc.
Practice learning to prepare your ingredients for the experiment. Buy products from local stores, figure out how to purify, clean, dry, extract and so on...
this will be good experience and knowledge for later and always...
Welcome to BB and Good luck!
😬🤔 crystal crystalline masters unite! I think he is hoping to hcl some methamphetamine hcl and created super chlorinated hydrometh reinforced crystalline crystals 🔮
تو برای هیچکس منطقی نیستی پیشنهاد می کنم ساعات خوبی را صرف مطالعه، مطالعه، تماشای فیلم و آموزش و غیره کنید.
یادگیری را تمرین کنید تا مواد خود را برای آزمایش آماده کنید. محصولات را از فروشگاه های محلی خریداری کنید، نحوه تصفیه، تمیز کردن، خشک کردن، عصاره گیری و غیره را بیابید...
این تجربه و دانش خوبی برای بعدها و همیشه خواهد بود...
به BB خوش آمدید و موفق ب
تو برای هیچکس منطقی نیستی پیشنهاد می کنم ساعات خوبی را صرف مطالعه، مطالعه، تماشای فیلم و آموزش و غیره کنید.
یادگیری را تمرین کنید تا مواد خود را برای آزمایش آماده کنید. محصولات را از فروشگاه های محلی خریداری کنید، نحوه تصفیه، تمیز کردن، خشک کردن، عصاره گیری و غیره را بیابید...
این تجربه و دانش خوبی برای بعدها و همیشه خواهد بود...
به BB خوش آمدید و موفق باشید!

Crystal meth + hcl?
😬🤔 crystal crystalline masters unite! I think he is hoping to hcl some methamphetamine hcl and created super chlorinated hydrometh reinforced crystalline crystals 🔮
Can we circle up and present our rings and power up? I need some opiate love all over, and not this methadone syrup garbage. It is still monday and I've watched santa roll through 2 or 3 times now, but he keeps forgetting to leave my benzos under the tree,, I hope there is a sample dilaudid in the mix somewhere. There was a bit of K that came with tina, which puts me out in leftfield with a slightly lower IQ and a loose thought/speech filter.
What the ***** are we even talking about? That keta has me stoopid. Deliberate shit post? don't mind if I do. Sadly it is still more relevant and coherent than some peoples serious inquisitions...

Crystal Crystalline Masters. Let's start an elite insider grouip and name it this.
Can we circle up and present our rings and power up? I need some opiate love all over, and not this methadone syrup garbage. It is still monday and I've watched santa roll through 2 or 3 times now, but he keeps forgetting to leave my benzos under the tree,, I hope there is a sample dilaudid in the mix somewhere. There was a bit of K that came with tina, which puts me out in leftfield with a slightly lower IQ and a loose thought/speech filter.
What the ***** are we even talking about? That keta has me stoopid. Deliberate shit post? don't mind if I do. Sadly it is still more relevant and coherent than some peoples serious inquisitions...

Crystal Crystalline Masters. Let's start an elite insider grouip and name it this.
Most of that didn't make sense, but crystal crystalline masters DOES MAKE SENSE. WITH HE-MAN HOLDING A SHARD ABOVE HIS HEAD SAYING, ' I HAVE THE POWER¡"
Can we circle up and present our rings and power up? I need some opiate love all over, and not this methadone syrup garbage. It is still monday and I've watched santa roll through 2 or 3 times now, but he keeps forgetting to leave my benzos under the tree,, I hope there is a sample dilaudid in the mix somewhere. There was a bit of K that came with tina, which puts me out in leftfield with a slightly lower IQ and a loose thought/speech filter.
What the ***** are we even talking about? That keta has me stoopid. Deliberate shit post? don't mind if I do. Sadly it is still more relevant and coherent than some peoples serious inquisitions...

Crystal Crystalline Masters. Let's start an elite insider grouip and name it this.
See Now we have some good converstion where Santa is stopping by and leavind benzo's under the tree for H heads and we have a healths converstaion about the synthasis of hcl and learning local stores and the biproducts of said experiments. I love all of you I never thought I had a family but I found you. only a family of mine would have amazing brainstorming of porcesses of production of High quality Meth ane spontanious tid bits of pill popping and santa *****ing up the benzo's under the tree. Well family I have taken a Hiatus from the one thing that I truly enjoyed that being mastering as many cooks of meth that I could synthesize and in the 25 years of being dedicated to this project I was very successful in learning a lot of successful ways that arent with an ordinary lab, without haveing the access to chemicals that are pure and not needing to be washed and purified before use. Also finding ways to produce High Quality meth with chemicals you would find in the kitchen pool area drain cleaners eters that I had for the tractors at the farm and using these chemicals until the cops put bans of the said supplies and made them precursers. Then back to the brainstorming to find ways to create the product with new cheimicals like cloring and breakfulids I also had a product I really enjoyed and the crystal Meth was amazing and would be the exact reason that I am talking to you today. ok if i could get just a yes or no or even maybe from a chemist he steps I have forgotten so I am successful in this indevor I will ship end product to you through the proper channels free of course and like a simple thank you for your input and helping a man thats getting older that seems to forget shit lately because the 40's suck big dick and im working towards the middle of 40 and eye are bad cant remember shit and god knows what else.

I have a crockpot cook 12 hr on 12 hr off to settel produces 4 to 6 ounces of product and very simple and one of the easiest ways I found in my adventure of learning many different ways to cook meth. Some Hot cooks Some cold cook this one was the easiest and I have completed 20 different ways to manufacture Meth. All 20 ways I have successfully produced quality meth and tested myself so I kjnow the potency. I need to know if the step with activated charchole is needed or left out its been 15 years without using this info and I have two cooks that are very similar and I believe I have this step mixed up with the other cook but if you could help me with the right answer I will proceed in said experiment and when product is produced to say thank you for your educated help I will send you 1 ounce free in hopes I could come to you for future assistance if needed.

Crock pot Cook
You will need 1 crockpot cleaned with denatured you will need 2 welding rods orange tip has more nichole wooden popcycle sticks to lay rods on to keep them of the bottom of the pot 1 gallon of nitro methane gas 10 precent oil 90 percent gas aslo 16 to 24 oiunces of HOPS number 9 gun blueing murativ acid tape duct tape is the best and heating element for crock pot.
the one step i am confused about is i believe you add activated charchole into the mixture at the beinning but it might be the cold cook for this reciept. If I dont need the charchole please tell me to degate that step and I will be ready to start my thesis today and have results by this time tomorrow I will add picts for the comunity.
ok first cut the welding rods into 3 inch sections to shorten the rods to fit into te crock pot better. I put both rods on the bottom of the pot on top of the popcycle sitcks to keep them off the bottom fo the pot allowing the next chemicals to penitrate all serfices. next put in the nitro methand gas the 10/90 measurements from 16 to24 depending on hnow mych end product your lookimg add the HOPS gun blueing same as the fuel 16 to 24 ounces make sure that the serfaces of the welding rods are compoletely covered by the liguid. if you cant find the Nirto Methane fuel you can dalso replace that with pure amonia that will work as well. now that you have the liquids ready and the cook ready for heat add a half a tea spoon of meratic acid to the mix stir mixture very carefully with a wooden soon when the liquids are mixed well. put the lid on the crock pot and take the duct tape and tape the lid very well making sure that there isnt any leaks making the cooking mixture uder preasure during the cooking process. but not completely air tight allowing preasuer too high that will brea to seramic. Now put heating element for pot up to the max heat and allow to cook for 12 hours when 12 is done take tape off stir well again and tape lid again and allow to settle for the next 12 hours. when that is done undo tape ou will see a buscite on the bottom of the pot by this time hard and orange yellow in color and the crystals will be one solid rock remove the entire piece in one big chuck I found breaking the crock pot to be the best. Because there will be a speration etween the substances you willl need to seperate completely and not allowin the black colored bottome in any of the top which you will keep. when you get the chunk out of the pot you will see the top is shards and looiks like meth as ohe chunk and the bottom is black and needs to be cut off and disguareded I would get a guitar string and use as a cutting tool. when I got the top cut from the bottom take all trash and disgurardedd supplies and bure them in a burn pit or barrell ASAP and emjoy the top half of amazing lmeth. keep in mind this is a cood cook and not a conbventional cook which will allow the meth to get better over time this product wiill have ashelf life if it is exposed to oxigen for long periods of tijel so I vacume seal any product im not imideate using so that when i get to it the product will be as good as day one.

please chemists look this over make sure I didnt leave any needed steps out
if it is good tell me to proceed with the experient and send me an email to me so that I can mail out the procdue and details to say thank you for your time and knowledge . if there is more you would like to add at at point i will email back and forth with you allowing our convo to be ours and safe for us to set thijgs up for the testing process

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Synthesis of Amphetamines (Phenylethylamines)
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