Few basic but most important amphet-amine facts


Don't buy from me
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Jan 17, 2022
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Maybe someone will save his life or health, knowing these rather new facts observed in my own laboratua.

1. Amphet-amine does not work always the same even if taken from one bath (cooking)
- Your body will sometimes get full of this substance. I know, it's hard to accept but most a-dedicated users bodies will - from time to time - get oversupplied by uncontrollable usage. This is the reason sometimes portions from one source, bag or bath will work for you totally different. If you have the problem that your stuff don't practically work, even if it had worked last time - try to take minimum 2-3 and best 4-5 week time brake from your white addiction.

- I have observed that your body is happy when it gets a-amine only until it don't have enough of it. Like in real life - you won't be happy from getting more of something you don't need no more, even if before - it was making your dreams come true. You have to be once again in need of it to once again be please full for it.

2. You can make your body hate a-amine very fast "by accident".
- The fastest way for you to make yourself a real problem with a-amine is by making your body afraid of it. This can happen to you even after years of dedicated and active autodestruction. How to make a-amine inactive in no time? You only have to ingest yourself with dangerously contaminated probe. The most devastating is surprisingly not even weight gaining poison of some sort (15 cups of coffe equivalent in caffeine in one gram? It happens - belive me..) but FROM TAKING TOO ACIDIC SORT! Your (latly surely less) digesting sack have ability to easily produce acid in form of HCL so it can easily nivelate too-basic kind but when it came to nivelate acid - it can happen basically only later after making it way further. This mean that if you will take too much of too-acidic substance it can lead to simple stomach burns. If it will be too serious - your body can decide to totally inactivate for you the substance because of which the acid got into you. Body can think - if he will not like x anymore he will not bring us too acidic doses of it anymore. I know the wayback machine for such a process but I won't share it here. You people are nuts.

You can have this problem with different substances also but the over acidity of a-amine is incredibly common mainly from (i can't call it even amateur) "we will try and we will see" non-balanced Al/Hg/P2NP synthesis.

3. The thing called "Amphetamine Psychosis" can no longer be your concern.
- Don't snort a-amine. It's simple like that. Use it orally so your liver will firstly clean it and secondly take care of time-dosing it to your unproductive brain. If you snort it - a good part of snake is immediately taken by your blood vessels to your brain without consulting anything with your normally working systems. The worst scenario is happening when you are dosing, dosing and then you forget to dose it - and as soon you realize it - taking too big portion. Your brain can (usually by 3rd day of your workaholic loop, not earlier) think you are preparing to end this madness and "Amphetamine Psychosis" is the reaction for suddenly turning his high hopes of finally deserved after all this shit - rest - into "Where are you going friend? We are just starting to party so *****ing keep on working and entertaining us you *****!". If you didn't have it you will not understand it. Enough to say that when it starts - You have about 80% of meeting ambulatory psychiatry (maybe not for the first time).

My friend was begging (on his knees) some incidentaly met (somewhere on the street) not guilty and suspecting granny not to tape him. "Please lady, don't film me, I'm begging you!" :D

4. You can think you can fly but the fact is there is big probability that you can be cheated. Dealers often offers methamphetamine with amphetamine smell only as a typical product when they are out of stock.
- Problems?
a) Horrifying and dramatic end of your "trip" instead of taken easily care max by 1-2 beer and calm - normal -caming down.
b) Nerve-degeneration because m-amph is higly neurotoxic.
c) Taking something you can be not prepared for, you're not aware of, can make you sick, can make you be wrongly treated in hospital or what can end your career when it will came on drug-testing of any kind.
d) Can even do something that looks not that bad. It can make you - a.amine hater (like me for two years when it was sold to me like that for the first time I even tried). Maybe you are one? Seriously think again about trying portion from good source and giving her another chance. A.amine is one of the most unfairly treated substances in the world. I tried 80 different substances+ and for stimulants - there is no safer and well-controled substance (when it's well prepared and clean). People using her can usually work, think and make love without many side effects. It is practically non-harmful when you don't forget to eat, drink and to nutrition properly your body.

Don't always get mad on dealers for this kind of thinking. One I know was beaten when he sold some substance once and he didn't have more to sell later to the same guy :D Oh and they sometimes are selling this mix as "Flex" because it's bad to take meth but it's cool to take "Flex" :D