Expert opinion needed ASAP!


Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 13, 2024
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Hello friends,

I am fairly new to this forum but have peeking in and out for awhile, I don't know what the proper etiquette is so I'll just dive right into what I want to talk about.

I am going to be hosting a ted-talk with the thesis question of: what does marijuana do the the mind and body? Obviously it's a very large and open-ended question that probably has many answers with even more follow up questions but my intentions were to make the question intentionally broad as government regulators have made research on the drug limited within the past century. There's too much to answer but there is still precise answers to be found. I tried to split my broad question into more pin-pointed questions:

How does marijuana affect motor functions? Specifically while doing sports or even driving an automobile (which I for legal reasons do not advise or support)?

How does it affect pregnant women and a developing fetus?

Why do I get the munchies?

Is there really a binary difference between sativa or indica or is it purely placebo effect?

To what extent is the rational thought process inhibited if at all?

I tried looking for these things in this forum, the Drug Users Bible, and Wiki but perhaps I didn't search hard enough (I didn't).

If anyone is able to answer these questions or point me to somewhere I can find these answers, that'd be amazing.

And to anyone who says: "oh well you can just look this stuff up on clearnet and get your answers there" - well I could, but why do that when I have people who are actually interested in furthering research in marijuana despite regulations literally anywhere.

TLDR: I have questions in the box that I need answered. Answer them (please) if you can or point me in the right direction.


Don't buy from me
Jan 19, 2024
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Marijuana(THC) slows your reaction times and your ability to coordinate your movements this is due to the THC interacting with cannabinoid receptors in the brain and nervous system, not allowing neurotransmitter signaling pathways which results in motor function being limeted although it highly depends on the dosage.
For the pregnancy question im not quite sure but read online that THC can cross the placenta leading to things like low birth weight and developmental issues.
The munchies kick in because THC interacts with the parts of the brain that are in charge of hunger therefore you feel hungry and food looks more appetising
For the strains i have no clue about different strains but it would make sense to have a difference between the two although i don’t know what they could be.
Marijuana definitely impairs the cognitive and decision making power although it depends on the dosage and a persons tolerance.
hope I helped and good luck on your talk!


Don't buy from me
New Member
Feb 13, 2024
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Ok so, in terms of impairment to cognitive thought processes and decision making and the likes, is there any reason or connection as to why some people actually drive (yes, driving as in cars) better or play sports better (NBA players or Track and Field) when inebriated by THC or is this simply placebo as well?

I have a theory on certain types of strains making tasks like driving and sports easier because muscle memory takes full control of your body as your mind just kind of wanders off as the unconscious side does all the work.


Don't buy from me
Nov 16, 2023
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Hi @realh0bo
I have smoked marijuana as much as possible for the past 20 years or so, like a lot of people have, but maybe I can offer some substantial input here.
You would think we would have more information about this wonderful plant by now. Despite all the contemporary science, I find a lot of information is from a 'new-age coffee-shop hippie' "let me tell you about my LSD flashback" type perspective. Speculative and subjective, overly complicated, and frankly, rather ignorant and nonsensical. Or myths that have been echoed over and over since our great grandparents were subjected to reefer madness. You would think we would have more analytical information about "Rick Simpson Oil" and its cancer fighting properties, but these are the things that seem to get swept under the rug, meanwhile some folks think they're saving the planet and fighting the man while making the healthy choice by using hemp scented shampoo.

Anyway, I'll try to do my best to answer your questions and add what I think is relevant. I doubt you will find good 'down to earth' answers anywhere but talking with the right pot-heads, and sorting out your pot-heads will probably get you a few dozen "chocolate icecream pizza related LSD flashback" stories and not much else.

The thing with marijuana is, obviously it is a subjective experience, but there are many variables that effect this. Potency and variety of the weed. Individual tolerance. Route of consumption. Environment and more... All of these, of course, will have an effect on the users experience.

From when I first started smoking, compared to now, my experience when smoking marijuana has changed drastically. I used to become very introverted to the point where I would get extreme social anxiety and couldn't really participate in functions or engagements as I would normally. I would most often find myself nervous and somewhat paranoid in public. I usually just wanted to get high and be left alone to listen to music and or play video games. I would eat a ton of junkfood and go into a deep, long and refreshing sleep. I can't get this type of experience anymore, no matter how much I ingest, I believe this is due to years of exposure and tolerance. A phenomenon I have heard described as "high school high." Experienced users just can't seem to get there anymore. Some synthetic cannabinoids have some potential, but what I would find pleasurable would be far too potent for the less experienced.

I find that in the early stages of marijuana use, motor skills are heavily effected. Multitasking is almost impossible. Hard to focus on completing an individual task - something like a commercial could easily sidetrack and completely derail any progress, as if you looked away and it totally just slipped your mind. In contrast, with a tolerance and exposure, I find that it only enhances cognition and motor skills. Method of ingestion plays a significant role here. I find that no matter which drug, inhalation is more of a "head-high" while eating a substance has a more pronounced effect on the whole body. Eating marijuana and physical activity are a wonderful combination. The introversion, reduced pain/inflammation, concentration and energy. Great for rehabilitation of injuries. Especially spiritual exercises, for example yoga or taichi and the abstract theories involved. After exercise you naturally want to eat and rest anyway. Team sports and driving are probably better to be avoided for the less experienced user. I don't find it has much of a difference on the more experienced and tolerant. The argument that comes up is OUI and marijuana intoxication. It is not as simple as a breath-analyzer and a blood test wont tell you much about how impaired somebody is. I could have 100x the amount of THC in my blood and have not smoked in a week compared to the guy who doesn't smoke and just took two rips off a bong and crashed his car into a tree. Despite the blood content, he is high out of his mind and I am completely sober.

I think the article Frit offered about pregnancy is pretty good. I can't offer much in that discussion. Other than the echoing of archaic myths there is really not much evidence against marijuana use when pregnant. Especially compared to the side effects from pharmaceuticals - I don't see how they can still condemn marijuana. This plant doesn't really punish you for ***** as the 'hard drugs' do.

As for the munchies. I believe this is mostly effected by the CBD and CBN content, and this is where strains come in. One strain is higher than the other or vice verse with these cannabinoids. Sativa is the taller, skinnier plant which provides a more energetic stimulating high - more prone to the nervousness, anxiety and paranoia I was talking about. Indica is the shorter, bushier plant that gives more of a "stoned" intoxication. Indica or "In-da-couch" is known for the more stereotypical calm, lazy, eat and sleep high. Personally, I don't see much of a difference either way. I think alot of the "science" surrounding this topic is convoluted and redundant and is mostly used for marketing. I wouldn't call it a binary difference by any stretch. It is all weed, it all does the same things, just more or less of an expression of these characteristics. I find it annoying when people talk endlessly about how there is a perfect strain of weed for every activity or reason you could possibly think of.

Inhibition of rational thought? I have never thought so. As I said, newer users are more noticably 'dumbed down' or slow. "Stoned". You are correct, I think, when it comes to muscle memory and doing things subconsciously, though I don't think it is because of strain, I believe the tolerance/exposure is the culprit here. The newer user is more noticably dumbed down or inhibited, especially when it is necessary to apply onesself in an unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation. The more tolerant user will be somewhat enhanced from inebriation while engaged in less demanding activities. Thought may be slower but it may be because the user is comtemplating many abstract perspectives, perhaps silly, but not necessarily irrational. Certainly not in the sense of dangerous. I believe marijuana to be one of the most benign, important and helpful substances to mankind. Alot of these answers will differ from person to person and like I said, it is all mainly subjective, the main factor, being, I think, tolerance exposure and potency of the substance. Alot of the harm comes from the ignorance and stigma surrounding this topic. The current culture and society keep it from reaching its highest potential. You can read between the lines and tell how I feel about the average marijuana smoker/enthusiast.

That is the type of mentality we have to contend with. Years of nonsense that has to be unlearned. On the other hand, I was on a lunch break with my boss one time. He put down 3 captain morgans and coke colas. He smokes alot of weed too. I smoked half a joint and he asked me if "I was going to be alright to go back to work." I gave him a sideways look, like... as if.. I was a landscaper, we were doing autumn clean ups of leaves, mind you. I could write a weed manifesto or something, but I digress. I think I gave you enough for now, probably more than you need. Hopefully it helps out.

I like to catch ted-talks sometimes when it is interesting, I hope to catch yours some time and realize it is you. Good luck! :)